The “father” of the first Superyacht Show Türkiye talks to DN: “Turkey is increasingly attracting luxury yachting”
Entrepreneur Mehmet Kabak, found of Memetti Superyacht Agency, shares his story with us and talks about how the first Superyacht Show Türkiye came about
Entrepreneur Mehmet Kabak, found of Memetti Superyacht Agency, shares his story with us and talks about how the first Superyacht Show Türkiye came about
Mehmet Kabak, a Turkish entrepreneur who has been working in boating for a long time, is the founder of Memetti Superyacht Agency, a service agency for pleasure yachters. A professional career that led him to organising and promoting the first edition of the Superyacht Show Türkiye, taking place in May 2025 in Göcek, one of the most famous Turkish tourist ports, and for which Daily Nautica is a media partner. Mehmet Kabak spoke to us about his career and how the ide and organisation of Superyacht Show Türkiye came about.
“Partnering with Daily Nautica – notes Kabak – provides media support and promotion for the event. Because we know how effective it is to work together, as we already found out working in the International Conference fro Women in Boating that we organised and which you shared through a number of different articles.
Where did the idea of creating the Superyacht Show Türkiye come from?
The idea for the Superyacht Show Türkiye started with the aim of promoting the potential of our country in the pleasure yachting sector and to reinforce our position on the international scene. Göcek, with its natural beauty and tourist marinas, is the perfect location for such an event.
What economic, entrepreneurial and cultural affects do you think an event like this will have in Turkey?
Firstly, we expect that an event like this will bring a significant economic contribution to the pleasure yachting sector and tourism. It will create new sales opportunities for businesses and will help spread boating culture to a wider public. Instead, from a cultural point of view, events like these are a chance to present our heritage and the maritime history of Turkey to the world.
In the meantime, the Superyacht Show Türkiye has promoted the first international conference, “Women in Yachting”, dedicated to the women working in a male-dominated industry. Do you think there is still a long road ahead to reach gender equality in the boating industry?
Yes, I believe there is a long way to go before we achieve gender equality. I think the “Women in Yachting” conference that we organised was an important step in the right direction. Even while selecting our speakers, we looked at trying to represent all the different sectors. This allowed us to evaluate the topic from a wider prospective. One of the reasons for organising the conference was to increase visibility for women in boating and improve their access to industry opportunities. And, naturally, I think we all have to make an effort in this respect.
Your boating services company, Memetti Superyacht Agency, is a privileged observer in Turkey: what can you tell us about the market and the clients in this geographical area?
Turkey has great potential for pleasure yachting and boating tourism. The coastline is unique and we also have a rich historical and cultural heritage make it an attractive destination for luxury boating. Our current clients are people looking for high quality service and personalised experiences. We highlight the distinctiveness of this market, supplied services that exceed expectations.
Your many years of experience are rooted in a number of different fields: what led you to the boating industry?
My career allowed me to garner experience in a number of different sectors, but I have always been passionate about the maritime sector. My connection to the sea and the potential for growth in the maritime industry guided me. In addition, the freedom and opportunities for innovation motivated me to become an entrepreneur. From a wider perspective, my professional career began with supermarkets. Even then I was supplying large yachts, and feeling their influence. Even though I obtained my Seaman Book in 1994 to work on yachts, my hyperactive personality suffered from the limited space on board, so I didn’t carry on. But my interest never stopped. The change came when I opened a company offering laundry services. I kept servicing yachts in our region, in Bodrum, Marmaris and Göcek. After that I founded Zucca Crew Uniforms, supplying crew uniforms. In 2021, I founded Memetti Superyacht Agency, through which we can offer all services necessary for pleasure boating. A process which evolved through finding the gaps in the industry in Turkey. Until 2024 I participated personally in all national and international boat shows in Turkey and around the world. When I couldn’t go in person, I always sent a member of my team. Based on this experience, with the new Superyacht Show Türkiye, we are hoping to organise three events a year, presenting this experience in the boat shows.
In your experience, what makes Turkish owners different from those from other countries?
Turkish yachting is based on hospitality, quality service and personal touches. Care and flexibility towards passengers could be considered different from other countries. In addition, culturally, there is an incredible historical heritage which comes from having such a long coastline. Our work in this culture and respect for our heritage are some of our distinctive traits.
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