27 May 2022

从今天开始Daily Nautica 有中文版面了! Daily Nautica in Chinese!

27 May 2022
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In addition to Italian and English, from today, news will also be translated into Chinese. 

从今天开始Daily Nautica 有中文版面了! Daily Nautica in Chinese!

In addition to Italian and English, from today, news will also be translated into Chinese. 

2 minutes of reading

After the recent rebrand leading to the change in name, Daily Nautica continues to evolve with the addition of a new language to the site. In addition to Italian and English, from today, news will also be translated into Chinese.  “This is is something we have had in mind for a while,” says Claudio Carmosino, sales manager for Daily Nautica. “Even though Google is prohibited in China, we have a number of visits from Chinese users who are currently reading our site in English. There is a rise in China of an upper class who is interested in yachts, and the rest of the world in general. Translating the site into Chinese brings us exponentially closer to satisfying their needs.”

And so Daily Nautica will become the first e-magazine in the industry to translate articles on the website into Chinese thanks to a partnership with a translation company, capable of translating quickly.

“This is a great opportunity for our advertisers – continues Carmosino – because it means opening up to a huge market of over a billion people. Over the next few months we will also be able to analyse the behaviour of Chinese visitors to the site and see which content is more interesting to them regarding the boating industry.

All of this will help the visibility of our partners greatly.”

Click here for the English version: dailynautica.com/cn/


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