04 April 2024

Azimut Benetti and D-Marin announce the beginning of construction on the Marina di Livorno

04 April 2024
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Marina di Livorno will have 815 mooring places, restructured piers and ample space for socialising and entertainment

Marina di Livorno will have 815 mooring places, restructured piers and ample space for socialising and entertainment

3 minutes of reading

Azimut Benetti, top superyacht builder in the world, and D-Marin, manager for 26 marinas throughout the Mediterranean, have announced that building work on the tourist port in Livorno will begin in April. The new marina, created with the aim of increasing pleasure boat tourism in the area, will become one of the most important destinations in the Mediterranean and will be completed by June 2026, while some parts of the facility are to be made available to pleasure boaters earlier.

Designed by the Archea studio in Florence, the Marina di Livorno will have 815 mooring places, restructured piers and ample space for socialising and entertainment: over 220m2 of the site will be reserved for restaurants, 60m2 for cafés and 250m2 for offices. Environmental credentials for the port will be achieved through the use of natural elements like trees and bushes in place of fences, solar panels for the production of a significant part of the electricity needed, as well as recycling rainwater to irrigate the green spaces. Investment is estimated to be between 14 and 15 million euros.

Livorno – notes Luca Salvetti, mayor of the Tuscan city – will have its tourist marina.  In December, after 16 years we formalised the procedure for the lease which was then signed. This means that work for building the marina will begin shortly, and will enhance that part of the city that connects the city centre to the boardwalk. Another step has been taken for the development, growth and transformation of Livorno, which will benefit with the return of tourism and the work that comes from it. Thanks go out to those who worked hard to reach this goal, including the Livorno pleasure boaters who obtained a 20 year lease with 450 mooring places.

Azimut Benetti Group – says founder, Paolo Vitellihave worked for 20 years with government bodies and the local people to create the ‘Porta a Mare’ project. Now we are proud to present the definitive version of the plan, approved and appreciated by all parties involved. The Marina di Livorno will be a beautiful, futuristic piece of work. The historic Porto Mediceo will be incorporated into a modern marina that is beautiful and ecological, opening the city to pleasure boaters from around the world. To further consolidate the project, we have recently partnered with D-Marin, the biggest and most successful marine management company in the Mediterranean, in order to provide high quality and innovative services to national and international boat owners who choose to dock in Livorno.  It is a truly important day for us and for Livorno.”

D-Marin – concludes Nicolo Caffo, general manager for D-Marin Italia – strongly believes in Livorno. It will become one of the best marinas in the Mediterranean, created through the shared values of high end customer service, commercial excellence, sustainability and innovation. In partnership with Azimut Benetti Group, D-Marin guarantees that the Marina di Livorno will become the prestigious yachting hub we know it can be.”


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