01 December 2022

Blu Yachts looks east: partnership with Master Yachting Croatia

01 December 2022
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This new partnership between Blu Yachts and Master Yachting Croatia will offer quality products and services to clients in the East

Blu Yachts looks east: partnership with Master Yachting Croatia

This new partnership between Blu Yachts and Master Yachting Croatia will offer quality products and services to clients in the East

2 minutes of reading

During the latest iteration of the Biograd Boat Show, Blu Yachts, a brand of the Timone Yachts Group, signed a new partnership with Master Yachting Croatia, a well established business in the area, to become sub-dealer for Pardo models.

Already a dealer for Pardo Shipyards for central Europe, Blu Yachts wants to consolidate its presence in the Balkans, specifically in Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania, countries where it is already working but which have now become part of a targeted development strategy.

We truly believe in this area and this new partnership – notes Luigi Gambelli, chief executive officer for Timone Yachts Groupit is a tangible sign of our intention to become even more established in this market, focussing on offering quality products and services to clients keeping their boats in this area, while also looking further east. The Croatian coast, and those of the eastern Adriatic in general, are the base for all clients coming from the more central parts of Europe like Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.”

We are proud – notes Giorgio Marchese, Sales Manager for Blu Yachts – to represent the Pardo Shipyard in an even more consolidated manner in this area, which is so full of potential. In particular, the Pardo 43, with its ‘pure open’ concept, is a luxury version in this segment, which has no rivals. It is the perfect boat to enjoy the sea and the thousands of islands of Croatia, a refined daily cruiser to move from one port to the next, or as a tender for a mega yacht. A masterpiece, like all of Pardo Shipyard’s creations.”



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