19 April 2022

Callisto’s “little brother” has been launched, a one-off super yacht by Feadship

19 April 2022
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The Dutch shipyard has built the second bespoke yacht for the same owner, this time looking for something compact, comfortable and fast.

The Dutch shipyard has built the second bespoke yacht for the same owner, this time looking for something compact, comfortable and fast.

3 minutes of reading

In the waters of Aalsmeer, the Dutch shipyard, Feadship, launched Callisto, a fully bespoke 42.50 metre super yacht, following in the footsteps of its “big brother” of the same name. The same owner and the same building team –  in addition to the company architects there was also Studio De Voogt for the exterior and Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design for the interior – for a one-off super yacht created to sail around the Mediterranean bringing together comfort and speed.

It was a real pleasure – said Pieter de Vries, project manager for Feadship – to work once again with such knowledgeable clients. They had hoped to be able to regularly visit the shipyard, as they had for the first yacht we built for them, but the pandemic forced us to have only virtual meetings. A challenge which we overcame thanks to the organisation and discipline of the team of engineers and artisans who helped fulfil the clients desires and, above all, to deliver Callisto on time.”

The keystone to the design was the balance between the hydrodynamic hull with its aluminium superstructure and interior space, so as to offer large rooms, with a full beam lounge and, above all, five cabins (two VIP and two doubles, plus the owner’s cabin), each one with a private bathroom.

A challenge that was overcome through the design of the underwater section of the vessel, using a number of different calculations to reduce it and offer less resistance during navigation, as well as reducing pitching; this was then trialled in the water using a test model, in the Austrian SVA Model Basin. In this manner, together with choosing a pair of MTU engines with special propellers, Callisto can reach speeds of 21 knots while remianing below 500GT.

Careful attention was also paid to the design of the spaces, which were relatively low and compact, so as to allow for further interior space. Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design designed bright spaces, inspired by the Mediterranean summer. Without, however, forgetting the exterior, which is equally spacious as requested by the client, yet flexible in regards to the amount of sun and wind allowed in. So, for example, the glass area to the bow can be lowered and a windbreak protects the relaxation area.

Another requisite was an ample platform to access the water and tender, as well as being able to dine at the water’s edge. To maintain the formal clean lines of the boat’s profile, the owners asked Feadship to hide the second tender, used for the crew, in the bow in a custom space made available through the use of a crane.



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