15 July 2021

Exclusive: Azimut Verve 47 in Portofino thanks to V Marine. Its first time in Europe

15 July 2021
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For the first time the fast cruiser, Azimut Verve 47 has come to Italy, thanks to an exclusive event promoted by the official dealer V Marine in Portofino

For the first time the fast cruiser, Azimut Verve 47 has come to Italy, thanks to an exclusive event promoted by the official dealer V Marine in Portofino

3 minutes of reading

For the first time the Azimut Verve 47 has come to Italy, and Europe. For its first time in the waters of the Mediterranean, the fast cruiser by Azimut, chose a location straight out of a fairy tale, Portofino, becoming the star of an event that also saw, in addition to the yacht on its “first outing” in Italy, Azimut YachtsAmerican ExpressRolls Royce and “Il Pitosforo”, the restaurant that the chefCarlo Cracco opened only a few days ago in the most glamorous piazza in the world.

A day celebrating the dolcevita and large scale boating, thanks to V Marine in Varazze, the official dealer for Azimut Yachts for the north west of Italy down to Rome. The company also represents Azimut Yachts France – Monaco, a dealer for the entire Azimut fleet throughout France and Monaco.

Liguria Nautica participated, in exclusive, in the début of the Azimut Verve 47 in Italy, testing out the vessel. “Azimut Verve 47 – explains Vincenzo Soria, founder and managing director of V Marine – is a fast cruiser created for the American market, where it is very successful. There has never been a unit from this range in the Mediterranean before. Thanks to our insistence, and obviously, the shipyard’s agreement, we were able to bring it to Italy, for one day, in Portofino with its owner.”

Azimut Verve 47, designed by  Francesco Struglia Design, is driven by 4 outboard Mercury 450R, 450Hp engines, with an overall aft power of 1,800 Hp. This is what is needed to push the boat, 14.5 metres long, with a 17.5 tonne displacement, at its maximum speed of 50 knots.

In the bow is a C-shaped sofa, resting on the starboard gunwale. Some seats cover the technical spaces reserved for docking and dropping anchor, but that, while cruising do not take space away from relaxation space. At the centre can be installed a table that, depending on its adjustable height, creates a small bar area for a drink or another large sun lounge. For those who enjoy sunbathing, there is also another large area, from the bow to the windscreen for relaxing.

The aft dinette, also thanks to its adjustable table, con be transformed into a second sun lounge. It can also be used for watching the hide-away TV in the bar-kitchen area behind the piloting area.

Below deck are two cabins: the owners cabin, full beam to the bow, and a double cabin midship. Between the two night areas is another dinette with a kitchen and a large powder room. While testing it, we reached a speed of 50 knots, notwithstanding the waves and a large number of passengers on board.

V Marine’s guests were welcomed to the restaurant, “Il Pitosforo” belonging to Carlo Cracco, an exclusive location overlooking one of the most famous bays in the world. A restaurant that has been dug out of the rock, with a white Rolls Royce in front of the entrance welcoming clients, opening up then into a sea view terrace on the top floor.

For those who were not able to participate in the exclusive event in Portofino, in partnership with American Express, a show cooking was arranged with Carlo Cracco, together with Vincenzo Soria, from the kitchen of an Azimut S7, docked at the pier, and streamed direct.


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