15 January 2022

Faro 5: the electric boat in wood with solar powered charging station

15 January 2022
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Faro 5 is proof that luxury can also be sustainable. It is an electric boat in wood with an autonomous solar-powered charging station

Faro 5 is proof that luxury can also be sustainable. It is an electric boat in wood with an autonomous solar-powered charging station

2 minutes of reading

Faro 5 is a small electric boat in wood. What makes it special? It uses an autonomous solar-powered charging station. The Faro 5 Solar Set is presented as “the first boating solution that is completely autonomous and 100% sustainable” combining the singular elegance of the Faro 5 Runabout with a bespoke solar-powered charging dock, complete with integrated lifting winch. The makers are the Portuguese company Faro Boats.

We noticed the Faro 5 Runabout at the Monaco Yacht Show. The topside of the hull is covered in Cryptomeria wood, wood of exceptional quality, an example of refinement and elegance. It is a small vessel, 5 metres long, 2 metres wide and with a draught of only 30 centimetres.

It has an autonomy of approximately 12 hours with a 20kW engine, two lithium batteries and at low speeds. Its cruising speed is estimated at 8-10 knots, but it can reach peaks of 25 knots. A large range of motors allows the owner to adapt the boat to their sailing style and preferences.

Recharging only takes an hour and a half and is achieved thorough a solar-powered charging station, capable of lifting the vessel out of the water, in addition to protecting it and recharging the batteries. This system is called the  Faro Solar Charging Dock  and is available separately or as part of a set. It represents the ideal solution to the latest boating restrictions targeted at combustion engines, especially in protected areas and lakes.

Cryptomeria wood is only one of the premium covering options: a light and long-lasting wood, grown sustainably in the Azores, Portugal. The covering is also available in fibreglass, smooth, or custom.

The singular aerodynamic design of the Faro 5, by Tomás Costa Lima, combined with its functionality and sustainability, makes this boat the ideal choice for anyone wanting to boat in style, autonomously and be 100% green. The Faro was designed to be safe, silent and very comfortable, allowing its owner to enjoy a pleasant day trip on the water.

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