14 October 2021

Going ashore in style with “Miss Wonderly”, the 10-metre limousine tender by Falcon Tenders

14 October 2021
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During the Monaco Yacht Show we saw “Miss Wonderly”, a 10-metre hybrid limousine tender by Falcon Tenders. Ideal for mega yachts of 100 metres and above

Going ashore in style with “Miss Wonderly”, the 10-metre limousine tender by Falcon Tenders

During the Monaco Yacht Show we saw “Miss Wonderly”, a 10-metre hybrid limousine tender by Falcon Tenders. Ideal for mega yachts of 100 metres and above

2 minutes of reading

At the 2021 Monaco Yacht Show we saw “Miss Wonderly” a 10-metre hybrid limousine tender made by Falcon Tenders, the British shipyard run by Mark Pascoe and Dean Stoneman, both well-known names in boat construction and boat racing.

The best yacht tenders are designed, developed and built in their 2,300 m2 facilities in Southampton. Large-scale manufacturing is combined with quality finishes in this family-run business. The highly qualified team includes 150 years of experience in traditional naval construction.

Over the years, the team has built hundreds of tenders for some of the most impressive super yachts in the world. Indeed, Falcon tenders gets its name through Mark Pascoe’s work in building two personalised tenders for the iconic S/Y Maltese Falcon in 2005 (here our video we realized with our Drone).

Falcon Tenders is specialised in building completely personalised yacht tenders, built to order and in limited numbers. “Miss Wonderly” is a 10.5 metre model of the hybrid limousine, on display at the Monaco show. It is the ideal boat for passengers of super yachts of all sizes.

At the top of the large tender segment, it has the perfect design for passengers wanting to travel comfortably from the yacht to the shore, in particular for yachts over 100 metres long that have to drop anchor further away. On display at Monaco were the limousine and open models making their international débuts.


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