23 September 2021

Naval Tecno Sud: The latest from the Genoa Boat Show

23 September 2021
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Certified products and over 30 years' experience in the shipbuilding industry, Naval Tecno Sud presents its top products at the Genoa Boat Show

Certified products and over 30 years' experience in the shipbuilding industry, Naval Tecno Sud presents its top products at the Genoa Boat Show

2 minutes of reading

Naval Tecno Sud, a leading company in the design, manufacture and sale of ship building products, presented, at the 61st iteration of the Genoa Boat Show a number of new and interesting products.

Roberto Spadavecchia, sales manager, shared with us some of the top products sold by the company: the fixed-tilt cradle for 50 tonnes, made for sail boats and mega yachts, and the retractable modular cabins for winter storage.

These have become, for a number of industry operators a necessity because they also help to maintenance on the vessels when the weather does not allow. It was inevitable that, during the interview, we mention Covid and the boating boom.

Naval Tecno Sud has been able to stand out in the national and international market thanks to its CE certified products, therefore able to guarantee cleanliness in the shipyards and above all safety for those working on the boats. Naval Tecno Sud products are 100% made in Italy: research, design and engineering work is completely done in Italy.


Below is a transcript of our interview:

This year we brought this Cradle to the show. It can bear a load of 50 tonnes, and is made for mega yachts. So, with these cradles, we are able to lift boats of hundreds of tonnes.

Another new product that is popular are our new modular retractable cabins, used  for winter storage. These are modular cabins on retractable tracks, and have become a necessity because almost all owners now like to have their boats kept warm.

Shipyards want these cabins to allow them to work on vessels even during bad weather, so we are increasingly specializing in this sector here.

We can say that Covid has given boating an added value because it has changed the way people interpret life. Many people now want a boat, they understand that being in a boat is isolating oneself, and they can live without all the covid restrictions. So there has been a sharp rise in this scenario.

All the shipyards are working, all of them are building with delivery for 2023, people are selling increasingly higher numbers of used boats.

All the shipyards want our products because, among other things, they are CE certified and they are looking increasingly at safety in the workplace.

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