07 May 2021

Presenting the MCY66, the “mini mega yacht” by Monte Carlo Yachts Collection

07 May 2021
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The smaller model, MCY66 by the shipyard in Gorizia is equipped like a full sized yacht, but on a smaller scale

The smaller model, MCY66 by the shipyard in Gorizia is equipped like a full sized yacht, but on a smaller scale

2 minutes of reading

Compact and smaller in size, but fully equipped with experience. This is the MCY66 by Monte Carlo Yachts, a “mini mega yacht,” 20 metres long; created through the partnership between the shipyard in Monfalcone and the designers of Nuvolari Lenard Design Studio, representing a fully concentrated version of all the comfort and luxury usually found in much larger vessels.

It’s added value can firstly be seen in the large surface area of the flybridge, made possible through the use of carbon fibre and kevlar; a choice of materials and structure focused on reducing weight, thereby creating no need for vertical support, freeing up the space and the view of the surroundings. Customisable depending on the needs of the owner, the upper deck, in addition to a secondary navigation position, can also house a sun lounge area, a dining area and a number of seating combinations.

The same concept also makes the main deck of the MCY66 stand out, where the interior and exterior flow together. The uncovered areas to the bow and stern allow passengers to enjoy the water and sun a short distance away from the sea and the kitchen, in direct contact with the outdoor dining area, bringing in the feeling of being at home rather than at sea.

Natural light becomes a design element in the open space of the indoor living area, where the different functional areas, including the main piloting area, are perceptively expanded thanks to the overall brightness. Brise-soleil on the large windows modulate the degree, calibrating and creating a rhythm for the uninterrupted view from bow to stern.

The lower deck can also be personalised, with 3 or 4 cabins, each equipped with its own bathroom. The design also includes, in addition to the large windows in the owner’s cabin, allowing as much light in as possible, a study, and a careful layout allowing passengers to have a number of rooms and wardrobes.

The contemporary style of the furniture is enhanced in the choice of materials and finishes – reflective surfaces, textiles and marbles – for each owner to choose as they prefer.


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