27 November 2024

Sanlorenzo open an office in Sydney and Bluegame makes its debut in Australia

27 November 2024
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The opening of the “Sanlorenzo Australia” office is an important step in the business’s international expansion

The opening of the “Sanlorenzo Australia” office is an important step in the business’s international expansion

2 minutes of reading

Following the acquisition of 95% of Simpson Marine, one of the main operators for yachting sales and services in the Asian-Pacific market, Sanlorenzo are strengthening their position in this area by opening their “Sanlorenzo Australia” office in Sydney, and bringing with them some of their iconic vessels, the SD126 and the SX76, while Bluegame debuts in Australia with the BGX63, the Sanlorenzo Group brand’s best seller.

This is an important step for the company’s international expansion, because it establishes a direct presence in a strategically relevant area, with excellent development prospects in the next ten years. Innovation and new technology are trending factors in the APAC area, as is the demand for more sustainable solutions and more advanced navigation systems, characteristics that are part of Sanlorenzo’s DNA, alongside elegance, luxury and Italian style.

Boats in Australia

Alongside the S126 and SX76 by Sanlorenzo, there will also be available the second model of the innovative crossover range, Bluegame, the BGX63, which features all the advantages of the BGX range’s revolutionary concept: privileging life on board for the owner, passenger privacy, to the revolutionary layout which seamlessly connects the interior and exterior. All of this without forgetting the brand’s fundamental values, expressed in a high performance hull (comfortable and safe navigation in any conditions and excellent manoeuvrability), superior category comforts and sustainability.

By Manuela Sciandra



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