30 October 2020

Tankoa is working on its fourth 50m S501Hybrid. The Genoese shipyard is hoping to double production

30 October 2020
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The construction of the Tankoa S501Hybrid is 40% complete, with the hull and superstructure completed and assembled, while the installation of the main motors is under way.

Tankoa is working on its fourth 50m S501Hybrid. The Genoese shipyard is hoping to double production

The construction of the Tankoa S501Hybrid is 40% complete, with the hull and superstructure completed and assembled, while the installation of the main motors is under way.

3 minutes of reading

The prestigious Genoese shipyard, Tankoa Yachts is fully under way with the on spec construction of the S501Hybrid, the fourth unit of the 50 metre series designed by Francesco Paszkowski and the hybrid, full aluminium sister-ship of the 50m M/Y Olokun.

Currently, the construction of the Tankoa S501Hybrid is 40% complete, with the hull and superstructure completed and assembled, while the installation of the main motors and preparation for furnishing is under way. Delivery is scheduled for the end of 2021.

Built based on their experience with Bintador, this yacht has hybrid propulsion developed by MAN in partnership with Siemens, which ensures three methods of navigation: diesel-traditional, diesel-electric and full-electric.

Along with other updates on the S501Hybrid is the news that Tankoa has decided to expand production. The Genoese shipyard is planning to expand its productive capacity over the next 3-4 years through the purchase of a nearby warehouse or another location between Liguria and Tuscany.

We are preparing ourselves – explains Vincenzo Poerio, CEO of Tankoa – to grow the company sustainably in order to streamline operational costs and increase our market share. Obviously doing good business means sharing the fixed general expenses over three or more projects to build each year, instead of one or two.”

We will remain – notes Poerio – a boutique shipyard but will be even more flexible when discussing customisation, a distinctive trait for Tankoa, especially at a time when other brands have taken different paths and are beginning to resist requests for changes from their clients.

The new business plan is to essentially double the current production and is based on a 4+2 model, according to which there would be, at the same time, four yachts under construction and two new designs under way.

Tankoa is also renewing its management, with the nomination of Claudio Corvino as Sales & Business Development Manager for the American and Asian-Pacific markets. Corvino has years of sales experience in the yachting industry, working with Oyster, Admiral and, more recently, Benetti.

But even the Tankoa fleet will be growing. The Genoese shipyard has announced that it is working on the T450 model, a 45 metre full displacement designed by Giorgio M. Cassetta, even though Poerio doesn’t exclude the construction of smaller yachts in order to increase production growth.  With two 70 metre yachts and three 50 metre yachts already delivered, the shipyard will concentrate on the market segment for 45 to 70 metre custom yachts.

Last but not least – concludes the CEO for Tankoa – we intend to continue building on spec. Today, clients don’t want to wait up to three years to take delivery of their new yacht. Beginning the hull and superstructure on spec, means being able to reduce the delivery time by at least 12 months as well as simplifying production to best use our resources.”

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