07 April 2022

Tankoa signs a new contract for a full custom 52-metre design

07 April 2022
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Tankoa has sold a new 52-metre yacht. This is a full custom design based on specific requirements from its Canadian owners. It will be under 500GT but will have ample space

Tankoa signs a new contract for a full custom 52-metre design

Tankoa has sold a new 52-metre yacht. This is a full custom design based on specific requirements from its Canadian owners. It will be under 500GT but will have ample space

2 minutes of reading

The Genoese shipyard, Tankoa, has just signed a new contract for a 52-metre mega yacht. The full custom design, develops over a new platform and is based on the specific requirements of its Canadian owners, introduced by Albert McIlroy from Optimusnavis, who will follow the build as the owners’ representative.

This new yacht has been designed in partnership with a prestigious partner, Vitruvius Yachts Ltd, led by designer Philippe Briand, who worked on both the exterior design and naval architecture, while the interior has been designed by FM Architettura in Ancona. Notwithstanding its 52-metre length, the yacht will be under 500 GT and will have ample interior spaces, finely decorated and studied in the most minute detail.

The design – explains Claudio Corvino, sales manager for Tankoa – was developed over a year and once Tankoa was chosen as the builder, it was a pleasure to work together with the owners to define the last details on what will certainly be a profitable, pleasant and winning partnership.

During the design phase, we paid particular attention, both to the development of the hull and containing weight, so as to create an extremely efficient yacht with low fuel consumption. This final aspect is further emphasised by the hybrid propulsion of this new Tankoa yacht, complete with batteries developed together with Siemens.

Tankoa once again confirms itself as a preferred partner in the construction of full custom yachts, even those under 500GT. The Vitruvius Yachts 52 will be fully built in aluminium and will be delivered in spring 2025.



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