29 June 2022

Tankoa Yachts launches its new “T500 Tethys” explorer: presenting the “SUV of the seven seas”

29 June 2022
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The Genoese shipyard, Tankoa Yachts has revealed its latest design: the 50 metre superyacht explorer, “T500 Tethys”

Tankoa Yachts launches its new “T500 Tethys” explorer: presenting the “SUV of the seven seas”

The Genoese shipyard, Tankoa Yachts has revealed its latest design: the 50 metre superyacht explorer, “T500 Tethys”

3 minutes of reading

The T500 Tethys was only launched a few days ago by Tankoa Yachts, but for many it has already become the “SUV of the seven seas”. Its size, after all, says more than a thousand words. The T500 Tethys measures 50 metres and it has a gross tonnage of 500 GT. We are talking about a true explorer of the seas, capable of sailing long distances, but also equipped for a relaxing cruise in the waters of the Mediterranean.

We are proud to present – notes Vincenzo Poerio, CEO of Tankoa Yachts – our latest design. This model will complete our range. We know that current owners, and those of the future, are looking for flexibility, and this is what our new model offers. The only limit is the owner’s imagination.”

The concept of flexibility is also expressed in the boat’s propulsion. Indeed, the superyacht offers a conventional solution, a hybrid solution, and diesel-electric. Three different options for a singular sailing experience.


The layout is perfectly in line with the shipyard’s philosophy of focusing on maximum flexibility. Two areas on the lower deck can be used for different things: as an additional cabin, a gym, or cinema. On the main deck is the full beam owner’s cabin complete with private bathroom, walk in wardrobe and an office with lounge area. Another area worthy of note is the solarium, which has a hot tub, sun loungers, a bar with barbecue and a relaxation area with bathroom.


The interior and exterior were designed in partnership with Hot Lab. The Milanese studio wanted to play with the enormous spaces on board, creating a comfortable and visually impactful space. To the stern on the upper deck is a large open-air space with a comfortable bar where passengers can lunch and enjoy a panoramic view of the water.

This leads to the aft platform, the heart of the yacht. This is the location of the infinity pool. Alternatively, this could become the perfect space to store the owner’s water toys or to land a helicopter.

The new T500 Tethys is fluid and dynamic in shape – explains Enrico Lumini, Partner and Head Designer for Hot Lab – and yet it is geometrically pure with no useless complicated construction. It is masculine to adapt to its market niche, but also welcoming, comfortable and reassuring, as an explorer should be. It is contemporary, yet respects values and tradition. I believe that with this new T500 Tethys, Tankoa and Hot Lab have found the perfect balance for a contemporary yet futuristic superyacht.



Length: 49.90 m

Range: 8.80 m

Draught at full load: 2.40

Tonnage: 500 GT

Maximum displacement: 435 tonnes

Propulsion: dual shaft propeller

Generators: 2 x  118 kW


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