11 May 2021

Tankoa Yachts sells their first T580: a private island for travelling around the world

11 May 2021
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Tankoa Yachts has sold the first model of the T580, a 58-metre super yacht enhancing the fleet of the Italian shipyard. Design by Francesco Paszkowski

Tankoa Yachts sells their first T580: a private island for travelling around the world

Tankoa Yachts has sold the first model of the T580, a 58-metre super yacht enhancing the fleet of the Italian shipyard. Design by Francesco Paszkowski

2 minutes of reading

Tankoa Yachts has sold the first model of the T580. This is the first model of the 58 metre yacht, enhancing the fleet of the Genoese shipyard. The hull will be built in steel with a superstructure in aluminium, the exterior design will be curated by Francesco Paszkowski, with the interior designed by Francesco Paszkowski in partnership with Margherita Casprini.

This sale, negotiated and completed in partnership with Giancarlo Mussino, Managing Director of Sinos S.A., who introduced the client and is representing them during construction, once again confirms the skill of the Genoese shipyard in developing fully bespoke designs.

Now that Tankoa Yachts has sold the first T580, it has made a yearly objective for streamlinging manufacture. “With the sale of this unit – explains Euro Contenti, CEO for Tankoa Yachts – Tankoa has consolidated its orders portfolio. The shipyard’s objective is to conclude three new sales in yachts over 40 metres every year, so as to stabilise manufacturing and streamline the organisational structure, continuing to guarantee the highest quality standards that have always made the company stand out.

Early information says that the Tankoa T580 will be a “World Wide Explorer” with sporty lines, able to sail for long periods thanks to its over 5 thousand nautical mile autonomy. It will also have a helideck to the bow, six cabins in addition to crew quarters, a large beach club with collapsible gunwales in order to better enjoy the “private island” and a garage capable of storing to tenders, one of which is a 9-metre limotender. Construction will begin in July and delivery is planned for April 2024.


Giuseppe Orrù

Side view of the T580 by Tankoa Yachts

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