The CEO for Timone Yachts: “New or used, here are our 5 star boats”
Interview with Luigi Gambelli from Timone Yachts who gives us an overview of his company and the boating industry in this delicate period of emergency
Interview with Luigi Gambelli from Timone Yachts who gives us an overview of his company and the boating industry in this delicate period of emergency
The sale of new and old vessels, charter services, refitting and exclusive reseller for Azimut and Benetti for the upper and lower Adriatic, as well as a large range of qualified services available for owners and pleasure boaters. All of this is Timone Yachts, a company founded in 1984 with a long history in the field of luxury boating with success, improvements and the development of the company.
With its offices in Senigallia (Ancona), Fano (Pesaro Urbino), Rimini and Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine), it has been representing the Azimut|Benetti Group since 1992, and is one of the current international leaders. Timone Yachts has had continued success over the years, reaching the ambitious objective of selling 1,000 vessels, including new and used, in its over 30 years in business.
Thanks to the company’s business philosophy and the determination that makes them stand out, the chief executive officer, Luigi Gambelli has built a continually growing business, which he continues to lead highlighting it as a point of reference for representatives of the upper and mid-Adriatic, thanks to its exclusivity for Azimut|Benetti for the Triveneto area, Emilia Romagna, the Marches, Umbria and San Marino, and its well-managed assistance services in strategic locations.
Luigi Gambelli has not limited his business to just Italy, but has for some time been introducing Timone Yachts to the international market with positive results. Success that Gambelli talks to us about in this interview.
Luigi Gambelli, CEO for Timone Yachts
LN – Luigi Gambelli, Timone Yachts has sold over a thousand vessels in its 30 years in business. How has the market changed during this time?
LG – The market is moving more towards a certain type of semi-planing vessels like the trawler range, with more comfort, safety during navigation, stability, and lower fuel consumption, as well as larger spaces.
Not only, there is also a change in the use of bigger and bigger vessels, from 70 to 100 feet. I believe that this turn, which depends on the overall growth of the market, is also connected to the historical significance of the company, which allows the client to feel more at ease approaching us for advice and purchasing. From this point of view it is important to consider, lastly, that long-term clients grow over the years, also in terms of size within the company.
LN – Looking more to the recent past, what is your evaluation of 2020?
LG – 2020 is to be considered positive as far as the season is concerned, beginning with Cannes 2019, there was an interest from a number of clients wanting to buy. We made a good number of sales during the September – December period, then Covid, in the first few months of 2020 slowed this down.
Notwithstanding all that, both the beginning and end of the year showed good results in the boating market, even due to a new peculiarity, so to speak: many of our clients were very fast in making their decision to purchase a vessel, which they saw, inspected, checked and purchased, paying and taking delivery of it immediately. In short, they didn’t want to wait too long. And this is something new for the industry.
Topics: Azimut Benetti reseller, Timone Yachts