14 March 2022

The first NFT super yacht for the metaverse by Cloud Yachts is up for sale for 95 million dollars

14 March 2022
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Cloud Yachts has given the broker Alex Clarke the job of selling its first 63 metre NFT, with the name of Project Metaverse

Cloud Yachts has given the broker Alex Clarke the job of selling its first 63 metre NFT, with the name of Project Metaverse

2 minutes of reading

Cloud Yachts, reseller of virtual vessels, has just embarked in the world of virtual boating, entrusting the broker Alex Clarke with selling its first 63 metre NFT super yacht. This is a vessel that is certified as a “non-fungible token”, that cannot be copied or replaced, a sort of sigil, in the internet, of property and authenticity.

“Built” in virtual reality by the North American shipyard, Delta Marine and designed by the naval architect, Gregory C Marshall, Project Metaverse – this is the yacht’s name – will cost 95 million dollars and will be certified using a blockchain platform, which is where cryptocurrency is also created.

In addition to being the first in a fleet of NFT vessels designed, in addition to Gregory C. Marshall, also by Bannenberg & Rowell, David Weiss, and by the Italian, Marco Casali, this design, if sold, will become the most expensive NFT object in the world.

Cloud Yachts contacted me at the end of 2021 – explains Gregory C. Marshallwith the brilliant idea of coining our super yachts as NFTs. To my surprise during this year’s Miami International Boat Show they sold ten of my NFT boats for the price of 1 ETH (a type of cryptocurrency, editor’s note) each. I then thought about another business in partnership with Cloud Yachts”.

I don’t want to reveal all our secrets – notes the naval architect – but it was clear that to make Project Metaverse real, we were in need of a creative broker, with the right clients, but, above all, capable of communicating the experience and technology we are offering effectively.

Equally excited about being involved is Alex Clarke. “When I first heard about the new NFT design by Gregory C. Marshall – says the broker – I knew I had to take part. This will be a revolutionary result and will change the way yachts are built and sold.”

I immediately contacted Greg – concludes Clarke – and knowing his latest Artefact (winner of the 2021 World Superyacht Awards and a number of other prestigious awards) I knew this boat would be equally epic. Greg spent seven years working on Artefact. And when I asked him, ‘now where will you go?’ he answered ‘to the metaverse’, it was all I needed to hear.


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