18 December 2021

The first Tankoa T450 has been sold, the new super yacht built by the Genoese shipyard and designed by Giorgio M. Cassetta

18 December 2021
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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A North American owner has purchased the first vessel created by the Roman yacht designer for the Genoese shipyard.

The first Tankoa T450 has been sold, the new super yacht built by the Genoese shipyard and designed by Giorgio M. Cassetta

A North American owner has purchased the first vessel created by the Roman yacht designer for the Genoese shipyard.

2 minutes of reading

The first Tankoa T450 will be delivered in 2023, the new super yacht built by the Genoese shipyard will go to its North American owner. Designed by Giorgio M. Cassetta in its exterior and interior, the hull is made in steel and aluminium, in the typical style of the brand, with details that make it stand out from the rest of the fleet. The perfectly horizontal lines are counterbalanced by a vertical element in the superstructure, giving the vessel a composed and elegant shape.

It has been a real pleasure – said Claudio Corvino, sales manager for Tankoa Yachtsto work with this client and his team. He made brilliant suggestions and Giorgio M. Cassetta transformed them into a fantastic design. We can’t wait to all work together on the building process, which will be fun and exciting.”

The client has requested a singular customisation, both of the shell and especially of the interior, which has confirmed the flexibility of the platform: large windows on the main deck, a longer living area on the upper deck – which increased the initial gross tonnage of 436 GT – and spacious interiors, with bespoke functions for his needs.

The definitive layout of the Tankoa T450 has a large owner’s suite to the bow, on the main deck, an open air cinema in the aft cockpit, five guest suites on the lower deck, an aft beach club, a gym and a fire pit on the upper deck, a sun deck with a glassed in hot tub and a shaded lunch area.

We are pleased to have sold this yacht – notes Corvino –  to a client who will certainly help us improve our foothold on the American market.” “Our sales strategies and our investments – added Eva Orsi, chairperson for the Genoese shipyardare going in the right direction. We have reinforced the sales department and invested in new products, to offer the market a wider range of yachts. At the same time we have improved our internal industrial process. The results of this record year for Tankoa Yachts are also the result of these strategies and a lot of hard work.”



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