19 February 2022

The keel of the second 38m EXP by Rosetti Superyachts has been placed

19 February 2022
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Delivery of the second RSY 38m EXP is planned for August 2023

The keel of the second 38m EXP by Rosetti Superyachts has been placed

Delivery of the second RSY 38m EXP is planned for August 2023

2 minutes of reading

Rosetti Superyachts has announced it has placed the keel of its second RSY 38m EXP. The ceremony took place at the Rosetti Marino shipyard in Ravenna.

The European owners of the new yacht under construction, passionate sailors, were presented to Rosetti Superyachts by Burgess and signed the contract last December. The exterior design and architecture of the second RSY 38m EXP, which is planned to be delivered in August 2023, is by Sergio Cutolo from Hydro Tec, while the interior will be designed by BurdissoCapponi Yachts & Design.

Seeing the passion and enthusiasm in the eyes of the owners and all our colleagues during this second ceremony while placing the keel – explains Ermanno Bellettini, president and CEO of Rosetti Superyachts – filled us with pride. From the beginning we have dedicated ourselves to this new build which represents another important step in the development of our shipyard along the trajectory laid  out by Rosetti Marino.”

 It was truly exciting – adds Andrea Giora, Sales & Marketing Director for Rosetti Superyachts –  to celebrate this moment with the new owners of the RSY, an extra which was much appreciated by the Rosetti Superyachts family. We will do our best to best satisfy their expectations as well as that of the Explorer market.”

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