10 August 2020

The new RizzardiINfive is ready to launch

10 August 2020
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The aim is to present the vessel at the next Cannes and Genoa boat shows The shipyard reveals the shape of the INfive, the latest creation by Rizzardi

The new RizzardiINfive is ready to launch

The aim is to present the vessel at the next Cannes and Genoa boat shows The shipyard reveals the shape of the INfive, the latest creation by Rizzardi

3 minutes of reading

The shipyard is working full steam in order to finish boat num. 1 which follows the distinctive traits of INsix, the firstborn of the “IN” range, launched in 2019. The yacht maintains the characteristic traits of the large Rizzardi opens, which have made the brand famous for this type of hull.

The lines retrace the shipyard’s philosophy, of creating vessels with a sporty soul without renouncing comfort during navigation. Even INfive does not step away from this rule and demonstrates the imprinting of Rizzardi interpreted in a contemporary manner.

Compared to the competition in this segment of the market, the shipyard aims to attract a client that likes yachts with performance but are, at the same time, comfortable, and with a high level of personalisation. Boats made to measure, based on the specific requests of the owner, like tailor-made clothes, to create a unique and recognisable product.

At a technical level, the boat will be equipped with  Man 800 I6 engines, surface transmission and the Easy-Set system for automatic balance control during navigation. The maximum speed of the project is around 45 knots.

There are therefore a number of solutions that can be applied both to the layout and in the choice of furnishings. The first examples are in production with different choices made by the different owners. The most interesting solutions are represented by an internal layout created by 3 cabins plus the crew cabin, or, alternatively, 3 cabins plus a garage for the tender. Both bathrooms also have a separate shower area.

There are also two possible layouts on the upper deck, with the possibility of having a door that separates the living area from the stern area, or can opt for an open space solution, making the surface area flow together. In the cockpit is a TV hidden inside a cabinet, which opens electronically. Also in regards to personalisation, the yacht is designed for the installation of sophisticated last generation systems for the management of on board equipment.

The shipyard has not stopped and they are already working on the design phase of the next boat, which will represent the top of the range for the “IN” range, the INeight.


Overall length: 16.03 m

Construction Length: 16.03 m

Waterline Length (full load): 12.7 m

Maximum width: 4.44 m

Maximum Height (excluding antennas and propulsion): 4.03 m

Draught under propellers (full load, in “0” position): 1.20 m

Empty displacement: 19 tonnes

Fuel tank capacity: 2000 l

Water tank capacity: 550 l

Beds: 6

Cabins: 3

Bathrooms: 2


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