25 March 2022

The Tankoa S501 has been launched in Genoa, the fourth hybrid mega yacht in the 50 metre series

25 March 2022
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The fourth hull of the fortunate 50-metre Tankoa series, in aluminium, designed by Francesco Paszkowski, has touched the water for the first time

The Tankoa S501 has been launched in Genoa, the fourth hybrid mega yacht in the 50 metre series

The fourth hull of the fortunate 50-metre Tankoa series, in aluminium, designed by Francesco Paszkowski, has touched the water for the first time

2 minutes of reading

The Tankoa S501 has been launched in Genova, the fourth hull of the fortunate Tankoa 50-metre mega yacht series designed by Francesco Paszkowski.

Created on speculation, this unit, which touched the water for the first time after its technical launch Saturday 19 March, is the first in the series to have a pool on the forward main deck and uses Bintador hybrid propulsion to offer three modes of navigation: diesel-mechanical, diesel-electric and full-electric.

This second hybrid propulsion yacht – notes Vincenzo Poerio, CEO for Tankoa – confirms we are at the forefront in technological research in order to satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated owners. This time we used the MAN/Siemens system and are very satisfied with the performance in the various configurations.

By choosing the most appropriate navigation mode, it is possible to reduce fuel usage, improve comfort during night sailing, and extend the working time of the main systems, in particular of the generators. The ecological nature of hybrid propulsion allows the owner to also access protected areas that are excluded to other yachts.

The yacht will continue to be outfitted in the shipyard before delivery at the end of April. Work continues, in the meantime, on the fifth hull of the 50-metre series, with conventional propulsion. Delivery is planned for the end of the year, while a sixth vessel has been started on speculation.

Other projects under construction in the Genoese shipyard are the T580 designed by Francesco Paszkowski, the first T55 Sportiva by Luca Dini and the T450 by Giorgio M. Cassetta.


Photos by Giuliano Sargentini

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