11 January 2023

The third Kando 110 explorer superyacht has been sold by AvA Yachts

11 January 2023
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The Antalya-based shipyard has announced the sale of its third Kando 110: 34 metres of steel and aluminium for long distance

The third Kando 110 explorer superyacht has been sold by AvA Yachts

The Antalya-based shipyard has announced the sale of its third Kando 110: 34 metres of steel and aluminium for long distance

2 minutes of reading

The Turkish shipyard, AvA Yachts, has sold its third Kando 110, a 34 meter explorer superyacht. The high quality steel of the hull is already being cut and by mid-January the keel will be laid. With an aluminium superstructure, the Kando 110, which will be delivered to its Norwegian owner at the end of 2024, is a full beam displacement vessel, like its two predecessors, with a volume of 333 GT and an autonomy of over 6,500 nautical miles.


The interior layout of the Kando 110 will continue to follow the optimal layout of its two predecessors, Lady Caroline and Infinity Nine, launched respectively in 2019 and 2022. It will have six double cabins for guests and a 27- square metre master cabin on the main deck, with full height windows. The layout takes full advantage of the four decks and the available space, making room for two lounges (one on the main deck, the other on the upper deck) of 48 square metres each.

The shipyard’s internal design team in Turkey will create gloss finishes, even for the wood details on the furniture, together with silky opaque textiles, in order to obtain a harmonious, bright and welcoming feel.


The Kando 110 also has sophisticated equipment in support of long distance travel. For this reason, the third Kando 110 will use Tier III Volvo-Penta D16 engines, Kohler electrical generators, Böning monitoring systems, Sleipner stabilisers, Webasto air conditioning, 12mm teak external covering, Awlgrip varnish, Opacmare transformers and a 5.5 metre RIB tender.

We are very pleased with this order – said  Atilla Küçükdiker, CEO and founder of AvA Yachts – following so closely after the delivery of our other two vessels. This further demonstrates the trust our clients have in the Kando series, our long distance explorer fleet, which is also extremely efficient, especially in regard to fuel consumption. These are very exciting times for our shipyard.”


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