04 October 2021

Tradition and innovation on the Paraggina 10 by the Giorgio Mussini shipyard

04 October 2021
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Timeless elegance together with technical innovation makes the Paraggina 10 (and Corvetta 24) stand out during the Genoa Boat Show

Timeless elegance together with technical innovation makes the Paraggina 10 (and Corvetta 24) stand out during the Genoa Boat Show

3 minutes of reading

Solid people with a talent for beauty”. This is what’s written in the brochure for the Paraggina 10, flagship for  Cantieri Giorgio Mussini. A sentiment which is confirmed in the characteristics of this vessel, on display in the water at the recent Genoa Boat Show and star of a recent Liguria Nautica video made by Claudio Colombo and Giuseppe Orrù. Aesthetically curated, if only for the widespread use of teak and mahogany, it sums up the over seventy years of knowledge belonging to the Portofino brand, without forgetting technology and functionality.


Based on a design by the architect, Edoardo Miola, in partnership with Gaetano Mussini, the Paraggina 10 has been created for medium-long range distances, like going from Liguria to Corsica or Sardinia, offering comfort and liveability on board for several days.

They are particularly happy with the results from the Boat Show also because, as explained by Emanuela Bertullo, project manager and public relations for the shipyard, “of the excellent position in the water, one of the first vessels visible upon entering the Show”, the Mussini family continues to focus on artistry and tradition, without forgetting innovation. They also focus on extreme personalisation. Classic or not – notes Emanuela Bertullo – each Paraggina 10 is unique. The layout of the space and surfaces is customisable based on the needs or preferences of the owner.

The hull and deck are in hand-layered resin, with a structural reinforcement cage for the bow and bulkheads to add resistance to the lightness, while the woodwork is the real star of the finishes and décor.  The elegance of the design also includes streamlining navigation, even when wavy. “The semi-planing balance – says Emanuela Bertullo – is streamlined through the use of two aft flaps, while the propeller to the bow, together with the dual engines makes manoeuvres easier for the pilot.


The Corvetta 24, now an iconic part of the Portofino landscape, was also on display at the Genoa Boat Show. Designed based on the lines of an English speedboat, it is a very distinctive element of the shipyard thanks to the ingenuity of the founder, Giorgio, “this is also extremely customisable in the finishes and colours – says Bertullo – even though it has a well-defined layout.”

A semi-planing day cruiser that is classic and elegant, easier to maintain thanks to its fibreglass hull, but refined by hand using prestigious wood, it is fast and stable, even in rough water. A mix of tradition and innovation that can also be seen in its on-board equipment: GPS, manoeuvring propeller on the bow, commands for the aft flaps, electric winch, and counter chain, side by side with classic analogue instruments to control engine function.


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