30 January 2022

Unique 71, the spectacular début of SkyStyle in the boating industry with Denison Yachting

30 January 2022
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The international design studio has presented, together with Denison Yachting, the rendering of its first incredible super yacht, Unique 71

The international design studio has presented, together with Denison Yachting, the rendering of its first incredible super yacht, Unique 71

3 minutes of reading

The international design studio, SkyStyle, is making its début in the boating industry, and is doing so with its spectacular design, Unique 71, presented by the brokering and charter company, Denison Yachts.

The designer duo Lucas Colombo and Max Pardo had only previously worked in the aeronautical industry, with names of the calibre of Boeing for which they designed a number of air plane interior concepts. A wealth of knowledge that the founders of SkyStyle were able to use for Unique71, designing a super yacht that stands out for its distinguished style.

We were presented to Alex G. Clark, a broker for Denison Yachting, by our friends from SuperyachtOne – explains Lucas Colomboduring the Monaco Yacht Show 2021. The company immediately showed interest in this design and in our desire to bring innovation and new ideas to the boating industry. And so we understood that that was really the opportunity to create an interesting partnership in order to create Unique 71.”


Aerodynamically conceived like an arrow point, or better a bullet shot over the water, the super yacht stands out for its futuristic profile, decisive sportiness, modelled with an extremely accentuated bow and a streamlined body. Capable of holding up to 12 passengers, housed in a VIP suite and in four cabins, in addition to the owner’s cabin located on the upper deck with a partially open ceiling to the sky, Unique 71 is equipped with every comfort: a sky lounge sundeck, hot tub, “touch and go” helipad, pool with collapsible cover, gym, sauna, cinema, and a bar with a pool table.

Obviously, being still a design, the layout can be customised based on the needs of the future owner, also given the generous size of the interior, creating a constant contact to the surrounding environment thanks to the ample mirrored windows, which can be darkened depending on the amount of privacy preferred.

In today’s world of yacht design – says the yacht broker, Alex G. Clarkewe are constantly pushing the envelope on what is possible, both in shape and function. Unique 71 aims at satisfying the most demanding client. In presenting together with Denison Yachting this innovative design, we are allowing clients to work in closer contact with the shipyards, to collect different quotes in order to turn it into a  reality.”

The challenge – concludes the yacht broker – is to therefore find a ship building company who understands the vision and the objectives, with an eye on using the yacht both privately and professionally. We cannot wait to play our small role in making this dream come to life!”


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