07 June 2021

Waterfront Marina: the new hub by Amico & Co welcoming large yachts to the heart of Genova

07 June 2021
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Waterfront Marina can host up to 26 large yachts of up to 110 metres long, over an area of 43,000 square metres

Waterfront Marina can host up to 26 large yachts of up to 110 metres long, over an area of 43,000 square metres

4 minutes of reading

Amico & Co, a leading company in Europe for the repair and refitting of mega yachts, has announced the conclusion of works for the new Waterfront Marina, the new hub for large yachts, their crews and owners, at the eastern end of the Port of Genova.

On the eve of this summer 2021 season, and only two years from the beginning of the first construction phase, Waterfront Marina has completed the ground areas dedicated to services and is ready to welcome large pleasure yachts, redeveloping a portion of the Darsena Nautica.

Created by Amico & Co with the aim of providing appropriate berthing for super yachts choosing the shipyard for maintenance, but also for pleasure, Waterfront Marina contributes to solidifying Genova’s reputation as a home port for super and mega yachts, creating a local economy which is integrated with the city.

Today we are presenting something important for a number of reasons – noted the president of Regione Liguria, Giovanni Toti during a press conference and presentation – Ligurian businesses are believing in themselves and are investing, this is an act of faith for the local area. It was a complex job that worked alongside the urban redevelopment of an area that will become one of the most beautiful of the Mediterranean and with the development of a tourist segment which is becoming a driving force for our economy.”

Designed in order to be integrated with the eastern Waterfront area, part of a large redevelopment plans designed by the architect, Renzo Piano for the City of Genova, it completes the waterfront area of the eastern section of the industrial boating district in the Port of Genova.

An infrastructure – noted Alberto Amico, chairman for Amico & Co – which brings together technological innovation and high quality standards, giving impulse to the development of professional boating businesses benefiting the local economy, compatibly with the environment and the city. Perfectly integrated with the transformation of the eastern Waterfront, reinforcing its boating vocation, Waterfront Marina is the result of a vision and partnership between the public and private sectors, and is a step forward along Genova’s path to becoming an international capital for super yachts.”

Waterfront Marina covers a water area of 43,000 square metres and has two piers, over 460 metres long overall, in addition to a newly built structural jetty, 70 metres long. It can hold up to 26 units of up to 110 metres in length, guaranteeing the highest service and environmental standards: a 4 megawatt electric plant that can supply power to columns for up to 1000 amperes, Wi-Fi and broadband internet connection, and waste water collection at every berth. Starting in 2020, Waterfront Marina has already welcomed 56 units, for a total of over 2400 nights with an average stay of 42 days.

The ground area, 15,000 square metres in size, offers a number of services: lounge and meeting areas, kitchen, toilets and laundry services, changing rooms and yoga studio, equipped gym and technical offices. The outdoor area is completed with a fitness area, including three tennis courts, paddling and multi sport areas, barbecue area and car park for over 100 vehicles, 13 spaces of which are reserved for electric cars.

Alberto Amico and Bruno Guglielmini, AMICO & CO

Waterfront Marina – explained Bruno Guglielmini, chief executive officer for Amico & Co – contributes significantly to the redevelopment of the Darsena Nautica, which, for far too long, has not been used to its fullest potential. The satellite activities created by yachting in Genova, in addition to docking, has 3 times the value of maintenance or repair businesses alone, representing a contribution to the development of the economy and the city.”

In order to create the Waterfront Marina, Amico & Co obtained permission from the Port Authority for the development of 60% of the Darsena (south eastern portion), for a total of approximately 58,000 m2, divided into 15,000 m2 of piers and ground area and 43,000 m2 of water, for a total investment of over 6 million euros.

The full operation of Waterfront Marina marks the beginning of the campaign for international promotion, “Genoa Superyacht Hub,” promoted by Amico & Co together with Pesto Sea Group, in order to support and internationally bring to light the excellent accommodation, assistance, technical and entertainment services that the hub has to offer the international community of super yacht owners, as well as the promotion of culture, the environment and the liveability of the Genoese, Ligurian and Northern Italy areas.

With the new Waterfront Marina, Genova is expanding and further improving its range of services and infrastructure dedicated to pleasure yachting, solidifying itself as a hub for the development of a community connecting with the boating economy and professional boating, reinforcing its leadership in the international yachting segment.


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