25 January 2024

D-Marin welcomes Marina degli Aregai and Marina di San Lorenzo to its network of tourist marinas

25 January 2024
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With Marina degli Aregai and Marina di San Lorenzo, D-Marin now has five ports in Italy

With Marina degli Aregai and Marina di San Lorenzo, D-Marin now has five ports in Italy

2 minutes of reading

The Cozzi Parodi Group and the high end network of tourist marinas, D-Marin announced their agreement for the promotion and management of mooring places in Marina degli Aregai and Marina di San Lorenzo: the first step in their expansion strategy for 2024. With this, D-Marin now has five marinas in Italy and 26 around the Mediterranean and the Gulf.

Our selection of tourist marinas – notes Oliver Dörschuck, CEO for D-Marin – has noticeably improved with the addition of Marina degli Aregai and Marina di San Lorenzo, located in the Riviera dei Fiori, one of the most famous boating destinations in the Ligurian Riviera. We cannot wait to further develop these marinas and offer our clients another two ports of call during their adventures around the Mediterranean.”

These two new facilities, which were carefully selected, will be further improved by D-Marin thanks to their client-centred approach to management and digital innovation, guaranteeing an improved sailing experience.


Marina degli Aregai is one of the biggest tourist ports in Liguria, with 961 mooring places capable of accommodating yachts up to 50 metres. The facility offers 24/7 mooring assistance, a dock, shipyard, a shopping centre with over 20 stores, a number of restaurants and a 4-star hotel with private beach.

Marina di San Lorenzo is a premium tourist marina with 268 mooring places for units up to 40 metres. There services include a hotel with spa and private beach, and a shipyard, while recent investments have introduced mooring places for super yachts.


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