30 March 2020

Does the Aqua, the 112-metre hydrogen yacht belong to Bill Gates? The designer, Sinot, denies this

30 March 2020
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Over the last few hours the news has spread that the Microsoft founder had decided to buy himself a boat and chose a giga-yacht fuelled by hydrogen. But the Dutch architecture and design studio, Sinot, denies that they have a business relationship with Gates

Does the Aqua, the 112-metre hydrogen yacht belong to Bill Gates? The designer, Sinot, denies this

Over the last few hours the news has spread that the Microsoft founder had decided to buy himself a boat and chose a giga-yacht fuelled by hydrogen. But the Dutch architecture and design studio, Sinot, denies that they have a business relationship with Gates

2 minutes of reading

A great mystery  is circulating regarding the Aqua, the hydrogen giga-yacht designed by the Dutch architecture and design studio Sinot, capable of covering the distance between Europe and America with only one tank of fuel, emitting into the environment only water.

Over the last few hours, the news has been that Aqua was the first boat chosen by  Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, and that he was preparing himself to become its new  owner. Shortly after, however, Sinot denied this with a press release stating that they do not have business relationship with the founder of Microsoft. “Aqua has not been sold! – declares the Dutch studio in a note – and many articles published in the last few days are mistaken. The hydrogen yacht Aqua is in no way tied to Bill Gates or any of his representatives. Sinot has no business relationship with Bill Gates. Aqua is a project which is still in the development phase and has not been sold to Mr Gates.

If someone is interested in buying it, please contact us. “Aqua – continues Sinot’s release – was presented at the Monaco Yacht Show 2019 to inspire clients and the industry to build a better future. We invite our most visionary clients to show their interest for this project“.

Aqua is a hydrogen yacht, 112 metres long, worth 500 million pounds, equivalent to over 590 million euros, capable of reaching speeds of up to 17 knots. Created by the designer Sander Sinot, it will be completed in 2024. It will be fuelled by liquid hydrogen, kept in two vacuum sealed tanks, the temperature of which will be 235 degrees below zero. One “full tank” will allow it to cover 3,750 nautical miles transporting 14 passengers and 31 crew members

Certainly the biggest problem will the be the bunker. To avoid the risk of remaining without liquid hydrogen, fuel which is not so easy to come by in the various ports around the world, Aqua will also be equipped with a good sized diesel engine.

On board, its guests will be able to enjoy a refined environment, with private suites and every comfort, as can be seen in the video rendering released by Sinot. Who knows if Bill Gates, or whoever else will buy it, will have to make do in the meantime with just these images.


Giuseppe Orrù



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