23 February 2022

Liguria Nautica is now Daily Nautica!

23 February 2022
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Our e-magazine has changed its name to reflect its national and international character and offer more opportunities to its advertisers.

Liguria Nautica is now Daily Nautica!

Our e-magazine has changed its name to reflect its national and international character and offer more opportunities to its advertisers.

2 minutes of reading

The latest statistics are clear. Liguria Nautica is no longer the e-magazine for boating tourism in an individual region in Italy but, over these last 10 years, it has become a precious source of up-to-date news for all lovers of boating, in Italy and beyond. In 2021, 17.5% of our users connected from abroad, thanks to a large amount of international content and to the new English version of the site, which has allowed us to reach previously unexplored countries and respond to the needs of new advertisers with a global client base.

Over the last year, Liguria Nautica has grown even more reaching over 6000 visits a day, over 3 million views on YouTube per year and over 30 thousand followers on social media. These statistics have made us reflect on the importance of supporting our development and the many projects we have in mind through a rebrand, starting with the name.

From today Liguria Nautica will become Daily Nautica. A pairing between English and Italian there fully represents our dual national and international vocation. In addition, we are the only e-magazine on boating tourism to offer, day by day, such complete coverage of the entire pleasure boating industry and Daily perfectly expresses our approach to daily news, where readers can always find new and diverse content. From the latest mega yachts on the market to reporting on industry events, sporting videos and new features thanks to our partnerships, through to gossip from the boating world and the webcam streaming live from the Port of Genoa.

In changing our name, we have also decided to change our look, with a logo restyle, creating a more contemporary and current look, but still in line with the colours and simple style that has helped us stand out over the years.

Our evolution regards not only the staff but also directly involves our readers and advertisers who will have even more opportunity to give their companies visibility through banners, editorial articles, video production and all the services available through Daily Nautica.

While setting sail for the future we will obviously not forget our beloved Liguria: a land and sea that we remain deeply tied to and will continue to share up close within an even more prestigious magazine.

Full steam ahead!

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