18 January 2021

Moving a 70 foot vessel with a joystick: Formula 1 T40 is the new top range product by PMP Italia

18 January 2021
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The company based in Lombardia has once again increased the power of its electric hauler to move yachts of up to 70 feet safely and easily, thanks to its remote control. Here it is at work

The company based in Lombardia has once again increased the power of its electric hauler to move yachts of up to 70 feet safely and easily, thanks to its remote control. Here it is at work

3 minutes of reading

Formula 1 T40 Radiocomandato is the name of the new top range product by PMP Italia, a company manufacturing haulers for vessels, caravans, and trailers to be used for launch and towage via hoist. We saw the Formula 1 T30 premier at the Genoa Boat Show, but now the company, run by Giuseppe Olgiati has further raised the bar and, above all, the power, bringing the limit from 30 tonnes to a declared maximum hauling capacity of 40 tonnes, but easily reaching 45.

The first model of the  Formula 1 T40 Radiocomandato is already being used in the Absolute shipyard in Podenzano, in the province of Piacenza, where the video showing the new hauler by PMP Italia was filmed, moving a 64-foot Absolute yacht with ease. “But our tests – notes Giuseppe Olgiati – have demonstrated that it is capable of easily transporting vessels of up to 70 feet. What determines the maximum hauling load are the rotating wheels that, during reversal, require an impressive force in terms of engine power.

The  Formula 1 T40 Radiocomandato, the latest model by PMP Italia, is propelled by two 2,000 W, 48 volt electric engines with electro-brakes. It has two bevel gears for hauling and two electronic controls that can also be used for 300A + 300° fault diagnostics , in addition to an electropump of 24 volts and 300 Bars and a crane capable of lifting 15 tonnes. The lifting cylinder has a diameter of 180 millimetres and the (declared) hauling capacity is of 40 tonnes, while the effective capacity easily reached 45 tonnes.

Formula 1 T40 by Pmp Italia

It is powered by four 157 Ah hauling batteries, which can be recharged using an external charger. It is also equipped with power steering, a lifesaver button, a battery detachment button, a voltmeter that indicates the battery charge and the remote control, with control capability of up to 80 metres, allowing the operator to effect manoeuvres safely, while a safe distance from the moving vehicle. The remote control can be charged using its own charger. The size is 2,100 x 700 millimetres (highest point is 580 millimetres) and it weights 750 kg.

The new model works on 48 volts, while the smaller model, the Formula 1 T30, works on 24 volts, but both are remote controlled. At PMP Italia research never stops, with the aim of always improving their products. Indeed, in a few days, they will be testing the new Power Tug, which will have wider tracks, with even more efficient motors, so as to be able to move even better on sand and difficult terrain. Once the new tracks have been installed, testing will take place in Liguria.


Giuseppe Orrù

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