08 February 2021

Pershing chooses Xenta and Simrad technology for the Pershing 8X

08 February 2021
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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With the Pershing 8X, a sporty and high performance motoryacht, the wheelhouse takes on a fundamental role thanks to Xenta and Simrad technology

With the Pershing 8X, a sporty and high performance motoryacht, the wheelhouse takes on a fundamental role thanks to Xenta and Simrad technology

3 minutes of reading

Pershing, an iconic brand that identifies the essence of the sporty motoryacht, has chosen to install technology by Xenta and Simrad on the Pershing 8X, a model that is much appreciated not only by the market and owners, but also by critics, as demonstrated by its win at the Motor Boat Awards 2021 in the “Custom Yacht” category.

Xenta, a leader in the design and manufacture of integrated governing systems for boating, and Simrad yachting, leader in the design and manufacture of navigation systems, autopilots, radar, communications and fishfinding systems, are indeed two of the most innovative companies in the yachting industry, whose products, thanks to the total integration of their systems, are contributing to the creation of a new generation of yachts that are increasingly chosen by the best brands in the industry.

The Pershing 8X has the best of Xenta technology in terms of functionality, bespoke optimisation for the vessel, with the aim of guaranteeing extreme reliability and an incomparable pleasure in staying at the helm, allowing the pilot to fully enjoy all the potential of Pershing design.

The Helm-by-Wire wheelhouse system is one of the most interesting, thanks to the innovative Autocourse function, allowing the captain to keep the chosen direction of the boat, without needing to continually correct the course. Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, the system is capable of learning the movements of the wheel, to then slowly take the place of the captain in a completely natural manner.

The Helm-by-Wire system can be completed with a Xenta Joystick package (coupled to the manoeuvring propellers), which includes the Docking and Tiller/Cruise functions, for a fun and dynamic navigation experience: the Cruise function increases or decreases speed, the Tiller corrects the course as if it were acting on the wheel. In addition, by purchasing the Xenta Joystick, it is possible to have an additional function, the innovative DPS (Dynamic Positioning System), a virtual anchor that autonomously governs the vessel keeping it still in a certain point.

But the most important characteristic of the Xenta system installed on the Pershing 8X is certainly the integration with Simrad Command electronics, creating a dedicated interface with the Simrad autopilot system, making all of its functions available. This integration is done through a single CAN BUS connection, a technical solution providing increased efficiency, reactivity and precision in the exchange of information.

On the Simrad NSO evo3s multi-function touch screen a dedicated graphic is displayed, allowing the pilot to see all the necessary information regarding the Xenta functioning parameters. The system, thanks to the SG05 hub, directly connects the video and communicates with the Xenta hub, giving it all the necessary information to maintain the course (once the data is supplied by the wheel angle).

If the wheel (in autopilot mode) is moved away from the established course, the interface would detect the change and, consequently, the autopilot is disengaged and the captain would once again be in complete control of the vessel. Not only, but thanks to Simrad’s graphic interface, the pilot can also activate or deactivate the Xenta Helm-by-Wire function, once again navigating without electronic assistance.


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