06 April 2022

Rina and Fincantieri working together for decarbonisation of the naval industry

06 April 2022

Rina and Fincantieri have signed a protocol of intent aimed at developing partnerships for the use of alternative fuels, carbon capture and renewable energy

Rina and Fincantieri working together for decarbonisation of the naval industry

Rina and Fincantieri have signed a protocol of intent aimed at developing partnerships for the use of alternative fuels, carbon capture and renewable energy

3 minutes of reading

Rina, a multinational in inspections, certification and engineering consultation, and Fincantieri, world leader in the design and construction of high added value ships and the supply of complex technology systems in a number of industries, have signed a protocol of intent to develop partnerships in the field of decarbonisation, with a particular focus on alternative fuels, carbon capture and renewable energy in the naval industry.

The agreement provides for the mutual cooperation of the two companies in scouting initiatives in the fields of technology, analysis and the study of new fuels or energy sources (especially hydrogen and ammonia) and carbon capture, which is the collection of CO2 produced during industrial processes, for storage and reuse.

The partnership will include activities dedicated to Approval in Principle (AiP), meaning an approach to classification based on risk, which allows for the validation of new designs and concepts based on equivalence in terms of safety, and qualification of designs and innovative technology.

In regards to renewable energy, the two companies are concentrating on offshore systems for wind power and on technological solutions dedicated to ocean wave power, participating together with R&D projects financed by the European Union and working in the development of “green financing”.

In addition, through this cooperation, the two businesses will have the opportunity of enhancing each other’s skills in order to carry out multidisciplinary engineering services, reinforcing each other’s position as some of the most relevant players in creating new projects and in developing new technology.

We are proud – says Ugo Salerno, chairman and chief executive officer for Rina – that the partnership with Fincantieri, which has a common historical root in the naval industry, has now extended even further, as proof of the future that brings us together. Indeed, with Fincantieri, we share the same vision on decarbonisation, a path we need to take in order to create an increasingly sustainable industry.”

Having reached leadership positions in a number of sectors – adds Giuseppe Bono, chief executive officer for Fincantieri – brings with it responsibility to act in a sustainable manner. It is in our interest, indeed, to guarantee a partnership between competitiveness and sustainability, between profit and innovation at all levels. For this reason we intend to take an active role in promoting a circular and low carbon economy through reducing the impact of manufacturing activities, the development of environmentally sustainable products and services and partnership with institutions and prestigious partners such as, in this case, Rina.”



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