26 August 2019

Antica Compagnia della Vela S.r.l

26 August 2019
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Storage shipyard, maintenance, and repair of vessels in La Spezia

Storage shipyard, maintenance, and repair of vessels in La Spezia

2 minutes of reading

A safe place to dock in the greenery of the mouth of the Magra river (La Spezia), in the protected area of the Parco Regionale di Montenarcello, neighbouring with Parco delle Apuane. The marina is an example of integration between natural assets and services, at only 3 nautical miles from the islands of Palmaria and Tino, 15 from Forte dei Marmi, 16 from the Cinque Terre, 50 from the Island of Capraia, 84 from Bastia. Within a protected dockyard, with dockside and pierside moorings, Antica Compagnia della Vela manages, all year round, water mooring for motorboats, dinghies, sailboats and yachts up to 20 metres. Antica Compagnia della Vela is not only a berth for your boat, but also a place for holidays and free time to enjoy with friends or family, thanks to the garden and social activities. Antica Compagnia della Vela has large equipped spaces for land storage in the open, of dinghies, sail and motor boats up to 16 metres in length. The storage areas overlook the water of the Fiume Magra, making it quick and easy for vessels to be towed and launched by the local company Landi Paolo. For dinghies and small vessels there is a “DIY” area, also accessible for day clients. Land storage service includes:

  • 24/7 assistance
  • Water and electrical supply
  • Reserved car (and trailer) parking
  • Fenced off and secure area with CCTV and alarms.
  • Access tot he park and social activities (sailing and cafe)
  • Toilets and showers
  • Free wi-fi coverage.

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