26 August 2019

Nauti-ca Services

26 August 2019
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Nauti-ca Services: working in the hire, sale and repair of jet skis

Nauti-ca Services

Nauti-ca Services: working in the hire, sale and repair of jet skis

2 minutes of reading

Nauti-ca Services, founded in 2017 as a mobile repair shop ready to service inboard and outboard motors on location, is specialised in the hire (with or without driver), the sale (new or guaranteed used), or repair (guaranteed repairs and certifications) for jet skis.

The great experience in the field of repair and technical assistance for nautical engines, have led the company to become one of the best and most equipped repair shops in the area, capable of supplying original spare parts for Yamaha and other brands on the market (Volvo Penta, Yanmar, MerCruiser and Seadoo). In addition, it is an authorised seller for Yamaha outboard engines and has a range of brands of used engines, which have been inspected and refurbished.

Among the services offered are also:

  • winter services for boats;
  • dinghy rental (from a minimum of 4 hours to a full day, with no need for a nautical licence);
  • sale of clothing and water games by Jobe.

In 2018, in order to guarantee an all-round service, Nauti-ca Services opened a shop in the tourist area of Marina di Loano (SV) and, during the summer season, rents floating platforms for jet skis in the port, allowing users to enter the water quickly and to protect the jet skis from water agents.

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