24 April 2020

Coronavirus, the Luna Rossa team takes a pay cut and purchases ventilators for hospitals in Sardinia

24 April 2020
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In one week the Cagliari leg of the America’s Cup World Series was supposed to take place. The Luna Rossa team took a pay cut and purchased ventilators for hospitals in Sardinia

Coronavirus, the Luna Rossa team takes a pay cut and purchases ventilators for hospitals in Sardinia

In one week the Cagliari leg of the America’s Cup World Series was supposed to take place. The Luna Rossa team took a pay cut and purchased ventilators for hospitals in Sardinia

2 minutes of reading

No regatta, at least not for the moment, and an act of solidarity for Sardinia, thanks to cutting their pay. The Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team has taken part in a plan to reduce their pay to help with the current economic situation which is currently affecting the country and the rest of the world.

In a few days, between Thursday 23 and Sunday 26 April, in Cagliari, the Sardinian leg of the America’s Cup World Series was supposed to take place, but it was cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Even though there was no show in the water, there was still a show on land.

Sardinia is one of the neediest regions due to the number of patients admitted to hospital because of the seriousness of their condition. A part of the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli technical team has begun working in the production of protective visors to integrate the supplies of the hospitals in Cagliari.

At this moment – explains Max Sirena, skipper and team director – we want to express our closeness and gratitude to all of those who, with great diligence and courage, are working the front lines of this epic battle every day. I am very proud of how the team has reacted, this initiative would not have been possible without everyone’s help. We feel very close to Cagliari and Sardinia, where we have had our base for two years, where our families are living, and which we now feel a part of.”


Giuseppe Orrù

The visors made by Luna Rossa’s technical department and donated to the hospitals.


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