22 December 2020

From Amer Yachts, “a gift for the future”: research on the acoustic emissions of its vessels has been donated to Volvo Penta

22 December 2020
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Carried out over the summer in partnership with Istituto Cetena, the study was delivered to Volvo Penta so that they can do a technical analysis and implement the data in their possession

From Amer Yachts, “a gift for the future”: research on the acoustic emissions of its vessels has been donated to Volvo Penta

Carried out over the summer in partnership with Istituto Cetena, the study was delivered to Volvo Penta so that they can do a technical analysis and implement the data in their possession

2 minutes of reading

In occasion of the 2020 edition of the Nobel Week, the event dedicated to the Nobel Awards and the relationships between Sanremo and Sweden,  Amer Yachts symbolically delivered to Volvo Penta research on the underwater measurements collected regarding the acoustic emissions of its vessels.  Carried out over the summer in partnership with Istituto Cetena, the study was accepted by Andrea Piccione (Marine Sales Manager Italy) and a copy will be made available to the head office of Volvo Penta in Sweden, so that the Group can analyse it technically and implement the data in its possession.

And so continues the connection between Sanremo and Sweden, between tradition and innovation, with the formula  “A gift for the future“, which they hope will be shared, even in future editions, by other companies working together to build a better world. In the past editions of Nobel Week, Barbara Amerio, participating as a speaker, cited the foresight of Alfred Nobel in having used his inheritance to relaunch the future, to leave a trace of hope in all those who believe in progress, in culture, and in research.

Since then, it has been a very difficult year, due to the Covid emergency, and the participation of Amer Yachts in this important event now takes on an even more profound significance. Indeed, the shipyard has decided to follow the example of the scientist and make a gesture for the future, an act of donating research to a strategic partner like Volvo Penta, always sensitive to the momentous changes that will come in the future, to improve it following the path of the green ideal.

Not only this, but this edition of the Nobel Week was added as part of an initiative that sees the support of Amer Yachts and is also connected to STEAMiamoci,a project by Assolombarda aimed at promoting concrete actions to reduce the gender gap, through the creation of four scholarships, sponsored by Confindustria Imperia and the shipyard in Sanremo, for deserving female students choosing STEAM subjects in scientific faculties.

The announcement for the 2021 scholarships will be published on the Confindustria Imperia website and will be coordinated in partnership with the universities. The aim of the initiative is to tie itself to Nobel Week and consolidate over time.

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