04 March 2021

Ibrahimovic arrives in Sanremo with his Riva 100 Corsaro. He is docking neighbours with Del Piero’s yacht

04 March 2021
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Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a guest for the Sanremo Music Festival, is staying on board his yacht, Unknown, a Riva 100 Corsaro, docked in Portosole, next to the yacht belonging to Alex Del Piero. Here are our photos.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a guest for the Sanremo Music Festival, is staying on board his yacht, Unknown, a Riva 100 Corsaro, docked in Portosole, next to the yacht belonging to Alex Del Piero. Here are our photos.

3 minutes of reading

Zlatan Ibrahimovic visits Sanremo with his yacht, “Unknown”. It is a Riva 100 Corsaro, that the Swedish champion is using as his home for the week of the Festival. The Milan footballer is one of the guests for the 71st Sanremo Music Festival, that the art director Amadeus wanted at his side to present the competitors.

Unknown is docked at Portosole, and from the moment the first rope was thrown to shore, the vessel was placed behind barriers, to keep onlookers and reporters away and guarantee Ibrahimovic’s privacy during his breaks outside the Ariston theatre.


The Swedish champion purchased his yacht in 2018 and the value of the vessel is estimated at approximately 10 million euros. After the début evening of the Festival, Zlatan once again joined Milan to play in the championship, then returned to Sanremo, where he should duet on stage at the Ariston with Sinisa Mihajlovic, singing, “Io vagabondo”.

When he’s not at the Ariston, Ibrahimovic takes refuge on board his Unknown, an exclusive version of the yacht made by Riva, a brand of the Ferretti Group. Unknown, 30 metres long, can hold up to 12 people on board, waited on by 8 crew members. The vessel is equipped with a 2,500hp engine that can reach maximum speeds of 27.5 knots.

Ibrahimovic wanted a series of additions on board, which raised the final price. Unknown has a cocktail bar, gym, garage for jet skis, and three double suites. Instead on the bow a miniature football pitch has been added, with artificial grass. Ibrahimovic has used the yacht more than once for family vacations.


As often happens at the Sanremo Music Festival, the songs are accompanied by curiosity, controversy and attractions. In an edition that does not present itself with all that many opportunities because of the Coronavirus emergency, beside debates on whether or not it was wise to go ahead with the festival, one of the main attractions is this luxury yacht belonging to the Swedish champion, shining under the sun at Portosole.

And luck would have it that two champions, even though not playing, meet up at least on the pier. Unknown, is docked next to the yacht, “Aurelia” belonging to Alessandro Del Piero. The former captain of Juventus, however, has not set foot on his boat since he moved to the United States.

Aurelia, a 37 metre yacht built by Heesen Yachts certainly does not go unnoticed, with its blue and orange livery and the large number 10, the same number on Del Piero’s shirt. We saw it a few years ago at Amalfi.


Giuseppe Orrù

Photographs are the property of Liguria Nautica, and can be used through an active link back and reference to the source.  


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