02 November 2021

Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2021, you can vote online for the best competition photos in the world: here is our selection

02 November 2021
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You can vote for the most beautiful racing photos in the world from the comfort of your own home as part of the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2021 competition

You can vote for the most beautiful racing photos in the world from the comfort of your own home as part of the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2021 competition

2 minutes of reading

Until 3 November sailing and photography lovers can vote online for the winner of the twelfth edition of the photography competition, Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image, open to boat photographers from around the world. You can admire all 80 finalist photos in this gallery: feast your eyes and vote!

These are electrifying images, full of speed, excitement, hard work, technical skill, harmony with the sea, nature’s magnificence, all perfectly illustrating the variety and beauty of this sport. There are the latest foils, together with vintage vessels, kite surfing and sailing dinghies.

These are the best photographs taken by professionals from all around the world, throughout competitions from 2020 and 2021. And Italy is highly represented! Images range from the America’s Cup to the Vele d’epoca Imperia, the solitary  Vendée Globe and the Olympics.


These 80 images were selected by an international jury and chosen from the 126 entries. We have already mentioned, in Liguria Nautica, how, after a drop caused by the pandemic, the boating industry is undergoing what could be described as a rebirth. And the number of entries to this competition confirm this, highlighting how the aesthetics of sailing is also important and vital.

Indeed, considering the small number of competitions held during the Covid pandemic, the fact that so many images were entered is great news. This is confirmed by Bernard Schopfer, the event’s organiser. “This – notes Schoper – is an excellent number. This is proof that the boating photography business is recovering and this is good news for the entire industry.”

There are two awards to be won: the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award, decided by the jury, and the Public Award, based on public votes online. The awards ceremony will take place at the Paris Boat Show in December. At this point, all you need to do is vote for your favourite image. But, we can assure you, it will not be easy!


Photo credits: Olga Sarma, Marco Donatiello, Stephen Cloutier, Ugo Fonolla, Christophe Favreau, Bernardi Bibiloni, Laura Carrau, Muriel Vandenbempt, Ricardo Pinto, Sharon Green and Mauro Melandri.



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