23 November 2023

Baglietto and IED come together for a thesis project

23 November 2023
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Baglietto and IED have launched a thesis project for undergraduate degrees in Transportation Design and Interior Design

Baglietto and IED come together for a thesis project

Baglietto and IED have launched a thesis project for undergraduate degrees in Transportation Design and Interior Design

2 minutes of reading

Baglietto, a long established shipyard specialised in building planing vessels in aluminium and displacement and semi-displacement megayachts in steel and aluminium from35-65 metres, has announced the launch of a thesis project for undergraduates in Transportation Design and Interior Design at IED (Istituto Europeo di Design), upholding their dedication for the younger generation and initiatives aimed at attracting new talent.

Assisted by engineer Guido Penco (Technical Development Director for Baglietto), professor Luca Sordelli and Marco Mastroeni (educational coordinator), the future designers will be reinterpreting an aluminium Fast vessel, creating a concept for a new yacht using the classic styles of traditional Baglietto planing yachts, presenting it in a contemporary light, including the main market trends like ample spaces, connection to the water and sustainability.

Tatiana per sempre

The thesis project will conclude with a dissertation at the end of the course. “We are very happy – says Rafaella Daino, communications manager for Baglietto – about our partnership with a prestigious institute such as IED. I believe that the topic we have put forward will be a great challenge for the students and will allow them ample creative space for both design and implementation.”

This strategic partnership – notes Michele Albera, coordinator for the undergraduate degree in Transportation Design at IED Torino – comes from the common desire of Baglietto and IED to support academic excellence and supply future designers with practical experience in naval design. Students in the undergraduate Transportation Design course can apply their creativity and skill, developing a thesis project in partnership with professionals working in an international company, representing the best in Italian tradition, bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds.”


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