15 February 2024

Baglietto is part of an exhibit in Rome alongside other historical Italian brands

15 February 2024
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The Baglietto shipyard is one of the companies participating in the Roman exhibit, “Identitalia, The Iconic Italian Brands”, dedicated to some of the most important brands in the country

Baglietto is part of an exhibit in Rome alongside other historical Italian brands

The Baglietto shipyard is one of the companies participating in the Roman exhibit, “Identitalia, The Iconic Italian Brands”, dedicated to some of the most important brands in the country

2 minutes of reading

The Baglietto shipyard is one of the most important historical brands in Italy part of the Roman exhibit, “Identitalia, The Iconic Italian Brands” taking place in Palazzo Piacentini, home of the Ministry for Business and Made in Italy The show, presenting around a hundred companies (for a total of 113 brands) from different industries – furniture, automotive, food and wine, in addition to boating – has also been organised to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi [Patent and Trade Mark Office], who have also been compiling a special register, since 2019, of historical brands of national interest, registering the brands that have been active for over fifty years.


Curated by professors Carlo Martino and Francesco Zurlo, professors of Design at, respectively, Università La Sapienza in Rome, and Politecnico in Milan, this exhibit aims to celebrate the industrial, design and materials heritage of the country, full of entrepreneurial success stories, success which is shared by designers and graphic designers; the exhibit includes original drawings, representative pieces, photographs, historical documents, and print and video advertisements.

We are very proud – says Diego Michele Deprati, CEO of Baglietto – to be a part of this exhibit alongside so many other brands who, like us have been and still are, a part of Italian history. An exhibit celebrating the excellence and unique identity of Italian brands. Our efforts to represent Italian skills in the boating industry is a testament to the tradition, innovation and artistry that have characterised our brand from the beginning and which will continue to be fundamental pilasters in the years to come. For 170 years we have brought beauty and quality to the world and are proud to open our anniversary year with this important event.

This is an event celebrating the skills of Italian business” says Massimo Caputi, president of the Associazione Marchi Storici d’Italia, highlighting how the boating industry is one of Italy’s leaders, alongside design and food, and is internationally recognised.

The exhibit can be visited by the public, with valid ID, Friday afternoon from 17:00 to 20:00 and Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00 to 20:00.


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