31 October 2023

HCB Yacht presents Sueños, a central console yacht with a sophisticated design – Video by DN

31 October 2023

Sueños, iconic and innovative, is a prime example of the work done by American shipyard, HCB Yachts. Presenting the boat is Mike Myers, Senior VP and Chief Engineer for the Group

Sueños, iconic and innovative, is a prime example of the work done by American shipyard, HCB Yachts. Presenting the boat is Mike Myers, Senior VP and Chief Engineer for the Group

2 minutes of reading

Sueños, a 15 metre central console yacht with a sophisticated design by the American shipyard HCB Yachts, debuted at the 32nd iteration of the Monaco Yacht Show. Sharing details about this exceptional yacht is Mike Myers, Senior VP and Chief Engineer of the HCB Yachts Group.

This central console yacht, trademark of the American shipyard, is conceived and structured as a day cruiser, for enjoying fun days out in the sea or lakes, and for sports like fishing and diving. Sueños has been a true trailblazer for the central console category because it was the first to demonstrate the effective validity of this range.

HCB Yachts is a world leader in the manufacture of full custom luxury vessels with a central console. Owners can personalise their own Sueños directly from home: by clicking on this link, you can design a 3D layout choosing colours, materials and propulsion, creating an original boat, unique in every way.


The bow area has a sofa and seats around a table that can be lowered and then used as an ample sun lounger. Fishing and sports enthusiasts can remove the cushions on the sofa for more space to use for their needs. The cabin, with a queen size berth, is very functional thanks to its ample storage space. The kitchen and shower room are separate. One of the bonuses on the Sueños, is the air conditioning on board, ensuring comfort on the hottest days.


Central console boats have a built-in bridge and deck, differently from traditional vessels where they are at the same level (or nearly) as the gunwale. Passengers are free to move along the entire perimeter of the boat without any impediments or steps.


Length without Engines: 52’ 11”
Length with Engines: 57’ 11”
Beam: 13’
Deadrise: 22 Degrees
Dry weight: 33,000 lbs
Horsepower rating: No Max
Fuel capacity: 1000 gallons (3785,41 litri)
Freshwater capacity: 58 gallons (220 lt)
Live well capacity: 2 @ 60 gallons each (227 lt)
Draft, engines up/down: 32”/44”
Bridge Clearance with Radar: 12’




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