09 May 2022

Large, fast and refined marine “animals”: the début of the Italian Centouno Navi

09 May 2022
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A new entry in the design and construction of super yachts, thanks to two experienced professionals who love the sea

A new entry in the design and construction of super yachts, thanks to two experienced professionals who love the sea

3 minutes of reading

Speed, beauty inspired by nature, and customization: these are the cornerstones of the new Italian superyacht brand, Centouno Navi, founded in Viareggio by the designer Manuela Lucchesi and the naval engineer, Marco Arnaboldi.

Marco and I are seafaring people – explains Lucchesi – we have known each other since we were children and have always had a great relationship, which we have transformed into our jobs. We love the water, we can’t live without it and so we live with it ever day in every way. We complete each other because we bring together Marco’s thirty years of experience in shipbuilding with my interest for design, and so we have put the sea at the heart of Centouno Navi.


The aim is to build full custom, high performance vessels: large marine “animals”, that stand out for their efficient grace, capable of reaching speeds of over 58 knots, thanks to the use of water jet propulsion.  A technique developed and refined by Marco Arnaboldi, founder, in 1992 of AB Yachts which, compared to traditional propeller transmission, guarantees faster speeds in all water conditions, acceleration, manoeuvrability and durability of the engine, as well as increased silence and the ability to sail in shallow waters.

In addition to this, Centouno Navi combines rigid yet light hulls, which can best enhance water jet propulsion: carbon fibre and fibreglass shells in a hybrid sandwich of vinyl ester resin with a core of high density PVC, protecting the floating interior, capable of isolating the space from the movement of the shell, and the noise and vibration of the engines.


Two début models: Centouno Forza, 28 metres long, with a lowered superstructure and a longer bow to highlight its bold and powerful personality, with three MAN 12V 2000hp engines coupled with three MJP 450 water jets that can push it to speeds of 60 knots; and Centouno Eterea, a three-deck, 39 metre yacht focused on speed (58 knots maximum, 50 knots cruising, thanks to four MTU 2600hp engines each coupled with MJP water jets), but with better comforts, including the option of an integrated Jacuzzi and space for one or two tenders or a “chase boat”.

Both have been designed with collapsible gunwales to allow passengers to enjoy the water even more; the two superyachts have tense sporty lines and open space interiors, allowing the eye to travel across the entire vessel without interruption, this can be customized through a number of layout options, that are both aesthetically pleasing and, above all, functional.


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