18 May 2023

Nauta Design reveals the “Moonflower 72”: renderings of the new 72 metre by Wider

18 May 2023
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Nauta Design studio has shared the first renderings of the exterior of the Moonflower 72, a 72-metre superyacht in steel and aluminium under construction in Wider’s Venetian shipyard

Nauta Design studio has shared the first renderings of the exterior of the Moonflower 72, a 72-metre superyacht in steel and aluminium under construction in Wider’s Venetian shipyard

2 minutes of reading

Nauta Design has shared the first renderings of the Moonflower 72, a 72 metre superyacht announced one year ago, and currently under construction at Wider’s Superyacht Hub in Porto Marghera. A hull with decisive, clean lines, it stands out for its profile and its open spaces.

Its austere appearance, similar to a “sharp blade cutting through the water”, derives from an attentive horizontal layering, softened by organic details, like rounded corners and oval rooms, lightening the overall effect, and giving a touch of timeless elegance. All without losing strength of expression, but calibrating it through a completely original synthesis of form that plays on “masculine and feminine shapes”, while still respecting canons of functionality and construction.

The stylistic expression at the base of the Moonflower 72 – explains Mario Pedol, co-founder of Nauta Designis a trademark of our studio design philosophy. An imposing superyacht in steel and aluminium, equipped with the latest generation of hybrid propulsion system by Wider, with exterior design based on a holistic and balanced combination of style and comfort, with simple and elegant lines and a harmonious connection between interior and exterior. There are no superfluous or useless details interrupting the close relationship with nature and the marine landscape.


A characteristic of the new superyacht is also its exclusive beach club based on the patented The Island (TM) concept by Nauta Design: multiple collapsible platforms that expand on the one directly accessing the water and transforming the entire available surface area in a huge 117 square metre space. The exterior and interior spaces are then directly connected, so as to have an open plan layout to freely circulate around the entire perimeter of the yacht: a solution offering constant contact with the water without equals for a superyacht of this length.


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