24 September 2020

New Miami location for Pardo Yachts. Offices and test boats for the growing American market

24 September 2020
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Pardo yachts Miami LLC has moved its offices to an exclusive loft in the Design District of Miami. Let’s take a look together.

New Miami location for Pardo Yachts. Offices and test boats for the growing American market

Pardo yachts Miami LLC has moved its offices to an exclusive loft in the Design District of Miami. Let’s take a look together.

2 minutes of reading

Pardo Yachts Miami LLC, the representative for Pardo Yachts for the Americas and exclusive reseller for Florida, moved its offices to a loft at 64, NW 54th St, in the area of Little Haiti, in trendy Wynwood, the Design District.

The new location includes an assistance department with part replacements for the fleet from the Forlì shipyard, which is growing in the United States, as well as a large space for the staff, that the company is continuing to hire. The loft includes a lounge area and catering services for special events and product presentations, as well as company meetings for the growing reseller network across the Americas.


Now Pardo yachts Miami LLC is 20 minutes from Downtown Miami, Coconut Grove, Miami Beach, and from its Service Hub in Aventura, where there is always a Pardo vessel available for visiting or open water test sailing, by appointment only.


The new office and its position reflect the work of Pardo Yachts in the American market, with a trendy space, elegant and convenient for managing work and organising sales and assistance for all its yachts.

Italian fans can meet with Pardo Yachts and find out more about its models at the 60th edition of the Genoa Boat Show, from 1 to 6 October, on stand YE50A. There will be three models on the pier: Pardo 38, Pardo 43 and Pardo 50.


Giuseppe Orrù

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