11 February 2021

Sanlorenzo launches the fifth unit of the 52Steel

11 February 2021
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With another 3 units under construction, the 52Steel confirms it is one of the strongest in the Sanlorenzo fleet

Sanlorenzo launches the fifth unit of the 52Steel

With another 3 units under construction, the 52Steel confirms it is one of the strongest in the Sanlorenzo fleet

3 minutes of reading

Sanlorenzo Superyacht has officially begun its new season by launching, from their La Spezia shipyard, the fifth unit of the 52Steel, a 52 metre model made in metal, another three of which are currently under construction. Characterised by refined elegance and timeless lines, typical elements of the Sanlorenzo brand, the 52Steel has surprising interior spaces and extremely comfortable exterior spaces.

A five deck superyacht under the 500 GT mark, it amazes not only thanks to design solutions normally used on models of a larger size, but also for its forward thinking technical innovations, the result of the continual research activity carried out by the shipyard, who have declared its success at an international level, and made it one of the stars of the Sanlorenzo fleet.

Among the revolutionary elements that have allowed this vessel to win a number of awards, is the stern area. The pool with a transparent bottom, located on the main deck, allows the light to come through to the rooms underneath, creating a nearly surreal effect.

The exteriors of this fifth unit were designed by Officina Italiana Design, while the interiors were designed by the architect,  Tiziana Vercellesi. “The interiors – explains Vercellesi – have a classic style with warm colours, with a subtle elegance that is revealed in the details, in the finishing, and choice of materials, like Tanganika wood, light-coloured leather and marble.

The creation of the interiors – notes the architect – showcases the knowledge, and experience of those who know how to highlight the essence of wood and of those who knowledgeably work with marble. In the main saloon, for example, we have created a bespoke floor with inlaid marble of different colours and with a classic Italian design. The furniture will be enhanced by decorative elements and pieces of art made specifically for this boat”.

Like every Sanlorenzo yacht, this unit is also a bespoke model, according to the desires and needs its owner: from the white colour of the exterior (used for the first time on a 52Steel) to the choice of materials, finishes and furniture, through to the layout. The layout has a unique and very successful configuration.

On the bow of the main deck are two large VIP cabins, along the deck with entrance, wardrobe and bathroom, and with large windows directly overlooking the water, while the owner’s suite is located to the stern on the upper deck, becoming, therefore, together with the cockpit, an area reserved exclusively for the owner. Also per the owner’s request, the fifth unit of the 52Steel is also equipped with a lift, covering all the decks, from the lower to the sun deck.


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