13 July 2023

Saxdor yachts presents their flagship, Saxdor 400 GTO at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2023: here are the first renderings

13 July 2023
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The Finnish shipyard has revealed its new flagship, the Saxdor 400 GTO with a light, fast and athletic hull

The Finnish shipyard has revealed its new flagship, the Saxdor 400 GTO with a light, fast and athletic hull

2 minutes of reading

Saxdor Yachts, the rapidly growing Finnish shipyard, will take part in September’s Cannes Yachting Festival 2023 with its latest project – the flagship, Saxdor 400 GTO, and they have just shared their first renderings. Founded in 2019, the north European brand has already built over a thousand vessels with their distinctive design and performance.

The Cannes Yachting Festival – explains Sakari Mattila, founder and head designer for Saxdor Yachts – represents a significant milestone for us. We are proud to present the new Saxdor 400 GTO, the evolution of our brand, and we cannot wait to share this experience with the entire boating community.


The new Saxdor 400 GTO has been designed for the 40-45 foot sport boat market, a level higher than the Finnish shipyard’s previous 200, entry level, and 320, mid-range. Flagship for the brand, it stands out for its performance, in particular cruising efficiency and on-water experience.

Starting with the hull of the 320 and designed for twin outboard rigs, Saxdor 400 GTO is very light, thanks to the vacuum infusion technique used to make the shell, which makes it much more fuel efficient. The layout of the cockpit significantly increases the usable space on deck, creating a private island for relaxing on the water. The singular glass-enclosed transom, offering a panoramic view from the cockpit, encourages close connection with the water and nature.

The lower deck has a spacious forward double cabin, with separate bathroom. There is also an option for a children’s cabin and a double cabin midships. The open wheelhouse extends to the full beam of the boat, maximising internal living space and offering direct access to side terraces, following a unique layout that enhances the functionality of the balconies.




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