10 May 2023

The hull and superstructure of Project Serena have been welded together, a “masterpiece” by Heesen Yachts

10 May 2023
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Construction of Project Serena continues, an ultra-efficient FDFH from the 55m Steel series by the Belgian shipyard

Construction of Project Serena continues, an ultra-efficient FDFH from the 55m Steel series by the Belgian shipyard

3 minutes of reading

Construction is on schedule for the Project Serena yacht, the code name for hull YN 20555 from the 55m Steel series by Heesen Yachts, scheduled for delivery to its owner in autumn of next year.


The hull and superstructure have been welded together following special protocols developed by the Belgian shipyard in partnership with Talsma, so as to simplify the joining together of the steel in the ship’s structure with the aluminium of the decks. “Results like these come thanks not only to the artisans working in our shipyard – explains Rick van de Wetering, chief operations officer for Heesen Yachts – but also thanks to the extended family of suppliers and partners, an integral part of our success. Talsma has grown with us: we share the same vision, creating the best Dutch superyachts in the most intelligent and efficient manner possible.

The partnership began in Oss, Netherlands, where Project Serena arrived after being towed for two days from northern Holland by sea, river and throught the Rijnkanaal canal in Amsterdam. Now the next phase is ready to begin – completion and customisation. “No two Heesen 55m Steel yachts are alike – notes the owner’s representative Richard Kaye, from brokerage firm, Arcon Yachts. Naturally, there are similarities, but each yacht is customised to reflect the personality and needs of its owner. For this, we work in very close contact with the client and the shipyard, to guarantee that the final product is perfectly in line with the owner’s needs and family lifestyle.”


The interior design is being curated by Luca Dini Design and Architecture, who built it to be a luxurious canvas for the owners to decorate to their tastes and personality. Warm and harmonious spaces, with soft tones and delicate hues, will make Project Serena welcoming and inviting. Oak and eucalyptus will be the preferred materials for the veneer on most of the furniture, while the marble palette enhancing the décor includes Namibian white with touches of Silver Moon, Calcite Azul and Camellia Green.

This is the most stimulating part of the design process – says Silvia Margutti from Luca Dini Design and Architecture – because we are working both with the client and the shipyard to create something beautiful, which we already know Heesen’s specialists will execute perfectly. We are also deeply involved in the engineering aspects of the design and I truly appreciate this mix of Italian creativity and Dutch perfection. Project Serena will be a masterpiece.


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