14 October 2020

This is how B.Yond 37M will look like. Benetti releases the video rendering for its new expedition yacht

14 October 2020

After the announcements made at the yearly press conference for Azimut Benetti in Portofino, here is the first video rendering of the first model of B.Yond, a new collection of expedition megayachts by Benetti

After the announcements made at the yearly press conference for Azimut Benetti in Portofino, here is the first video rendering of the first model of B.Yond, a new collection of expedition megayachts by Benetti

1 minutes of reading

37 metres long but with space similar to that found on a 50 metre mega yacht, distributed over 4 decks. This is what the B.Yond 37M will look like, the latest vessel created by Benetti.

As announced during the yearly press conference held by the Azimut Benetti Group in Portofino, B.Yond will be an expedition yacht, with a traditional design based on the wishes of the owner. Now we can see it, albeit in a computer simulation, in the videos and renderings released by the shipyard.

B.Yond 37M is a yacht created with concrete rationalisation of space and rooms on board, for practicality and privacy, over all 4 decks of the vessel. B.Yond ensures comfortable and long cruises with reduced environmental impact, thanks to the propulsion architecture, E-Mode, developed by Siemens for the shipyard.

The yacht, with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, has enclosed spaces equivalent to that of a 50 metre and 500 GT megayacht, distributed over 4 decks. The lower deck is completely reserved for the crew, the main deck includes spaces for the owner and passengers, the upper deck is the day area.


Giuseppe Orrù

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