22 September 2023

Autumn Equinox: intense Disturbance over the Mediterranean and potentially violent Storms

22 September 2023
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The current and forecasted rainfall and thunderstorms are and will be intermittently intense, with possible downpours and associated issues

The current and forecasted rainfall and thunderstorms are and will be intermittently intense, with possible downpours and associated issues

1 minutes of reading

An intense Atlantic disturbance has recently entered the Mediterranean, bringing widespread inclement weather to our country. A stark shift just as the autumn equinox approaches, slated for Saturday, September 23rd.

The prevailing winds blow from the southern quadrants, eventually giving way to the Mistral. Consequently, the seas are largely slight or moderate in many places. Looking at the calendar, it is essential to be on high alert, as our seas remain quite warm. This provides lot of energy for severe thunderstorm phenomena.

Indeed, the current and forecasted rainfall and thunderstorms, particularly over the Tyrrhenian areas, are and will be intermittently intense, with possible downpours and associated issues. The threats that a storm brings with it – from lightning to tumultuous waves, from reduced visibility to sudden changes in atmospheric conditions – necessitate utmost caution and preparation by mariners, even if the gradient wind and wave motion appear calm on weather charts.


Federico Brescia and Alberto Cantone

Video: Navimeteo Weather Panel – Weather Evolution in the Mediterranean until Tuesday, September 26th

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