21 July 2023

Beyond the anticyclone: the complexity of the Mediterranean climate and its impact on navigation

21 July 2023
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The relationship anticyclone/little wind and calm sea has almost never been verified

Beyond the anticyclone: the complexity of the Mediterranean climate and its impact on navigation

The relationship anticyclone/little wind and calm sea has almost never been verified

2 minutes of reading

In the last week headlines and dramatic news about the heat wave and the anticyclone have raged on all communication channels, this is a weather information that is not very useful and misleading for those who use it for work and in general for any sailor.

The expert sailor must go beyond journalistic sensationalism, studying the movement of weather systems in an accurate and objective way and bearing in mind that with high pressure there may be no manageable marine weather conditions.

The relationship anticyclone/little wind and calm sea has almost never been verified, in fact, just as I am writing to you, I receive from the yachts the first observations of the Mistral wind strengthening on the Bocche di Bonifacio and I can assure you that in recent days the Mediterranean has been less calm than one might think.

The play of the Mistral wind takes place thanks to the gradient of pressure that is created between the high pressure ridge to the south of Provence and the low pressures centered on the Tyrrhenian areas, therefore when in the next few days the anticyclonic dome gradually loses its grip on the Mediterranean we will face more than one wind gale from the Rhone accompanied by a growing atmospheric instability.


Alberto Cantone e Alessandro Casarino – Navimeteo

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