24 May 2020

Liguria retains its place as queen of Blue Flags: here are the 32 winning locations (including 2 new entries)

24 May 2020
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This year saw a rise in Blue Flags: 195 in Italy of which nearly one sixth in Liguria

Liguria retains its place as queen of Blue Flags: here are the 32 winning locations (including 2 new entries)

This year saw a rise in Blue Flags: 195 in Italy of which nearly one sixth in Liguria

3 minutes of reading

Liguria ranks in top place in Italy for number of Blue Flags, with 32 locations, including 2 new entries, awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education, bestowing this important recognition to coastal locations satisfying quality criteria regarding the water and services provided. It is the eleventh year in a row that our region has achieved first place in this special list.

This year, the inclusion of the towns of Diano Marina and Sestri Levante brought the total number of Blue Flags awarded in Liguria to 32, 2 more than last year. The total number of Blue Flags at a national level is 195, 12 more than 2019: therefore one sixth of the Italian Blue Flags are located in Liguria. In second place is Tuscany with 20 locations and third is Campania with 19. Liguria is in first place also for tourist destinations, rising to 14 with the entrance of Cala Cravieu in Celle Ligure and  Vecchia Darsena in Savona.

“This is greatly satisfying and a further push – notes the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Totito prepare ourselves for the summer season, notwithstanding the enormous difficulties caused by the Coronavirus epidemic. We have landscapes which are the envy of the world, tourism is one of the strong points of our land and it must be protected in every way”.

“We are working – notes Toti – to save the summer season, applying guidelines adapted for our region and which will allow everyone to work and enjoy our beaches. We owe it to our workers who need to be able to open for the many tourists we hope will be able to come visit us soon. Our region will be ready to welcome them safely, starting with its splendid Blue Flags.”

Even according to the regional councillor for tourism, Gianni Berrino, “the award is confirmation of the bountifulness, beauty and organisation of our beaches. Liguria is still first place, a sign – he concludes – of a process of improvement which has been under way for some time, and of excellence which has expanded across the entire region.”


In the province of Imperia, the awards went to Bordighera, Sanremo, Arma di Taggia, Riva Ligure, Santo Stefano al MareSan Lorenzo al Mare , Imperia and Diano Marina.

In the province of Savona: Ceriale, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Loano, that, with the Marina di Loano was also awarded with the Blue Flag for tourist destination, Pietra Ligure, Finale Ligure with the beach of Varigotti, Noli, Spotorno, Bergeggi, Savona, Albissola Marina, Albisola Superiore, Celle Ligure and Varazze.

In the province of Genova: Camogli, Santa Margherita Ligure, Chiavari, Lavagna, Moneglia and Sestri Levante, and in the province of La Spezia Framura, Bonassola, Levanto, Lerici and Ameglia.


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